Small Claims Court Sometimes referred to as “the people’s court” Informal and inexpensive way for settling disputes Claims of $25,000 or less (in Ontario) Parties are not expected to know legal terms Each side of the party gets a chance to tell their story to a judge Lawyers are usually only used for complex matters
Small Claims Court in Ontario All provinces and territories have booklets with step-by-step procedures for filing a claim In Ontario ourts/scc/ ourts/scc/
Types of Small Claims Actions Breach of contract Claims for minor accidents Damage to property Recovery of property Unpaid bills Unpaid loans Unpaid rent Unpaid wages
Class action is when all injured parties sue together as plaintiffs in one action If more than one person is responsible for causing the loss, they all should be sued as defendants Litigation is the process of suing Litigants are the parties involved (plaintiff & defendant)
Balance of probabilities Plaintiff must try to convince a judge that the events most likely took place in the way they claim (unlike in a criminal trial – beyond a reasonable doubt) Defendant will try to show that his or her version is what really happened Judge will decided whose side is more believable and more likely to have happened
/article /Big-headaches-after- small-claims-court- decision/1?newsletterid=192&date= /article /Big-headaches-after- small-claims-court- decision/1?newsletterid=192&date= Small Claims Court - Kitchener Small Claims Court - Kitchener Small Claims Court video