Care & Support West
Supply & Demand The estimated value of the homecare market in the UK is £5.1 billion £1.1 billion is purchased by individuals 8000 organisations registered with CQC for Home Care 6336 are registered for domiciliary services to older people UKHCA represent 1 in 3 organisations
Workforce Skills for Care reported 450k people being employed in the homecare UKHCA estimate it to be nearer 537K
Projected population by age, UK, mid to mid-2037 National Population Projections, 2012-based Statistical Bulletin | 06 November 2013 Millions
Growth in projected population over 75 year olds, UK, mid-2012 to mid-2037 Source: National Population Projections, 2012-based Statistical Bulletin | 06 November 2013 Millions
The number of people with dementia in the UK will double over the next 40 years Source: Alzheimer’s Society – Dementia Statistics Infographic
And, these people want to live at home… 9 in 10 people aged 50+ want their care needs met in their own home (Saga/Populus, 2014) 7 in 10 of British adults want to die at home (Dying Matters/ComRes, 2014)
Number of older people receiving state funded social care is declining
Number of older people paying for help projected to increase Source: Source: ELSA Wave 3 percentages applied to POPPI figures by the Institute of Public Care, Oxford Brookes University – help with moving, washing and dressing, eating and preparing meals
Commissioning and prices
LA Average rates
UKHCA’s Minimum Price for Homecare UKHCA publishes a Minimum Price for Homecare o February 2014 BBC Radio 4 finds: o 97 of 101 councils pay prices below £15.19/hr o Average minimum rate £12.26/hr Minimum price updated o £15.74/hr for NMW
Principles behind the Minimum Price Fees calculated solely by reference to “contact time” Workers receive flat-rate NMW for all “working time” o Contact time o Applicable travel time (and reasonable travel costs) o Supervision and training Provider can cover: o NI, pensions, training and holiday pay o Reasonable operating costs o Acceptable profit / surplus
How UKHCA’s minimum price is calculated ( rate) Minimum Wage:£6.50 Travel time/hour:11.4 min Travel distance:4.0 miles Mileage rate:£0.35/mile National Insurance:9.5% Holiday Pay:12.07% Training time:1.73% Pensions:1% Gross margin:30%
How can you use UKHCA’s Minimum Price? Support discussion with local commissioners Send to local councillors asking why council paying below UKHCA’s rate Use UKHCA’s Costing Model to calculate your actual costs o Challenge council to open- book costing exercise
Living Wage The UKHCA’s next campaign is will be Living Wage for care staff Some Authorities in the UK are insisting on this UKHCA’s model will make the rate £18.59 Not just about the money…
Being visible to users, including self- funders (Approved lists & NHS Choices) Greater council responsibility for information & advice, including self-funders Government added all social care providers to NHS Choices website o Providers encouraged to update their free profiles Some councils developing other on-line portals o You need to know which ones o “Approved lists” (should) become less significant
National/Local Message UKHCA has significantly raised its profile Involved in many steering groups including the Cavendish Care Certificate and NICE Home Care Guidelines More and more requests for national media CSW is an outlet to help with communicating locally