2015 National Training NT National Training NT 1504
He is one with the Father and the Son. 2 Cor 13:14 WHO IS THE HOLY SPIRIT? He is a person, one of the three personalities of the Godhead.
WHO IS THE HOLY SPIRIT? He is not a wind, emotion, an effect, force, or a power but can create an impact, manifest power and be grieved. Eph 4:30, 1Thess 5:19. He is the promised gift of the Father but also gives gifts to men. Acts 1:5, Acts 2:38; 1Cor 12:7-11. Acts 2:16-21.
The Holy Spirit is the Divine helper assigned by God to do exactly what Christ would have done for a believer if He was physically around, in life and service. “… I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever (John 14:15-16) WHO IS THE HOLY SPIRIT?
He plays the following role: 1. Counselor 2. Helper 3. Intercessor 4. Advocate 5. Strengthener 6. Standby.
THE MINISTRY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT What we receive during the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is the fullness of the Person of the Holy Spirit, not just a gift of speaking in tongues. Acts 2:38-39.
THE MINISTRY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT God expects us to engage the Holy Spirit in intimate fellowship on a daily basis for victorious living and good success in fulfilling His purpose for our lives.
THE MINISTRY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Limiting our engagement to Speaking in tongues is like using your SMARTPHONE to make and receive calls only, which translates to engagement of less than 1% of the installed capabilities. We must learn how to engage Him so that He can fulfil His comprehensive Ministry in our lives.
THE MINISTRY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT How does the Holy Spirit Help a believer? 1. He is responsible for the new birth. John 1:12-13; 3: He is the Spirit of Sonship and gives us assurance of Salvation. Rom 8: He is Gods seal of ownership. Ephe 1:13-14, Rom 8:9 4. He grows the life of Christ in the believer. 2Cor3:18
5. He guides the Believer into all truth (spiritual, secular, business etc).John 16:13 6. He is the believers internal teacher who interprets the Scripture to us. 1John 2:26-27; John 14:26 7. He helps the believer to walk in personal victory over the flesh. Gal 5:16 8. He always seeks to glorify Jesus and helps us also to glorify Jesus. John 16:14 THE MINISTRY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT
9. He reveals the future. John 16:13, Acts 11: He fills us with Himself in order to produce His fruit in us. Eph 5:18, Acts 6: He quickens our mortal bodies. Rom 8: He helps the believer to pray correctly and effectively in the will of God. Rom 8:26-27, 1Cor 2: He convicts men of sin, righteousness and judgement John 16:8
THE MINISTRY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT 14. He commissions believers into service. Acts 13: He directs the believers work. Acts 16: 6-7, He equips the believer with spiritual gifts for effective service I Cor 12:7-11; Rom 12: He empowers the believer for effective witness for Christ. Acts 1:5,8; Luke 24:49; 18. He bears witness of Christ in the believer. Rom 8:16, Acts 5:32, John 15:26.
HOW TO RECEIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT- KEY ISSUES 1. Thirst John 7: ASK in prayer. Luke 11: Exercise of Faith I John 5: 14-15, Acts 2: Obedience to God. Acts 5:32 5.Laying on of hands. Acts 8: 17, 19:6.
NOW THAT HE HAS COME, - HOW DO YOU ENGAGE HIS HELP? The Dos 1. Acknowledge Him always in all you do. Prov 3: Understanding your personal helplessness. John 15: 5 3. Always seek His instruction i.e. “What will you have me do?” 4. Obey His instructions (the word of God) promptly without procrastination. Acts 16: Give Him more space to live and operate in your heart. Eph 5:18
HOW TO ENGAGE HIS HELP The Dos … 6. Fellowship with Him continuously, not just in the Church but more importantly in the marketplace. 2Cor13: Release every aspect of your life (Business, Family etc) into His hands and allow Him total control, without holding back. Prov 3:5 8. Walk and live habitually in the Spirit. Gal 5:16, John 8: Matt 7: luke 9:23-24.
The Dos 9. Cultivate a lifestyle of Helplessness which is key to receiving Divine help. A strong man does not seek help and misses out on Divine assistance. 2 Chron. 16:9; Matt 9: Admit your need for His help in all situations, including professional issues. It is only the man who admits that he is blind that will submit himself to be led by another person. Rom 8:14. HOW TO ENGAGE HIS HELP
THE DONTS 1. Don’t sideline, disobey, ignore, suppress or cage Him into church/fellowship. 2. Don’t reject His help by helping yourself. 3. Don’t grieve Him Ephe 4:30 4. Don’t quench Him 1thes 5:19 5. Don’t send the Holy Spirit on errands. He is your helper not your servant. He is God. 6. Don’t ask Holy Ghost fire to pursue enemies. His fire is to purge, refine and empassion men not to destroy them. Luke 9: HOW TO ENGAGE HIS HELP
SOME AREAS OF DAILY ENGAGEMENT. 1.Prayer 2. Study of the Word 3. Witnessing 4. Marriage – from Choice Till Death Do You Part 5.Business Decisions/ Professional Issues 6.Dressing 7.Choice of Food. 8. Giving. 9. Running FGBMFI Programmes.
FINALLY “The grace (favor and spiritual blessing) of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the presence and fellowship (the communion and sharing together, and participation) in the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen (so be it)”. 2Cor 13:14 AMP