“ C hange does not necessarily assure progress, but progress implacably requires change. Education is essential to change, for education creates both new wants and the ability to satisfy them.” Henry Steele Commager
Equity Schools An Innovative School Model Where Excellence and Quality Unite In Transforming Youth
Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation 22, 498 students 3,000 employees 5 high schools 10 middle schools 20 elementary schools 3 alternative schools 2 charter schools 53% free and reduced lunch 75% white 14% black 8% multiracial 2% Hispanic
Strategic Planning Over 250 community forums Input used to create a strategic agenda Agenda presented to community and revised into EVSC Strategic Plan 5 focus areas (professional development; early childhood; technology; family, school, and community partnerships; innovative school models) Subsequent $174 million referendum passed with 70% community approval Innovative models Equity Schools
What are Equity Schools? Innovative, semi-autonomous school model Focused on 3 schools currently (2 elementary, 1 middle) Unique school calendars Additional instructional days Required additional instructional days Added 5 teacher data days Successful completion of Equity PD Academy
How were Equity Schools developed? Preliminary identification of district needs Focus on chronically low performing schools Focused on school level, differentiated autonomy Flexibility to meet school needs Emphasis on localized student, family, and community Premium placed on increasing student engagement and instruction Need for data review and application days Increased instructional days for students
Equity School Details - Contract Contract details outlined AFTER key model design was completed Brief addendum to contract drafted Two part ratification Vote to approve moving forward Vote to approve specifics of Equity model Simple majority
Equity School Details - Funding Stimulus funding with further grant funding identified Additional salary expenses (additional days) Professional Development Stipends Successful completion incentive Focus on data/outcomes to justify and prioritize future funding
Equity School Details – PD Academy Voluntary participation by staff throughout the district 150 seats (added additional seats based on demand) 40 hours of professional development Action research required of each participant Final observations by ETA/EVSC team
Equity Schools – McGary MS 50% staff turnover Developed calendar with sibling needs as a focus Designed one week of training for all staff in ACT (Applied Control Theory) Designed time at beginning of school on building community and learning students Used team plans, faculty meetings, and small committees to design changes
Equity Schools – Delaware ES Younger staff Uses consensus to design changes Adding second planning period each day for grade level teaming Focus on Differentiated Instruction Teachers worked in teams to complete action research
Equity Schools – Howard Roosa ES No voluntary staff transfers out Small committees formed to develop calendar, format of school day, curriculum, and technology then conduct formal vote by staff Adding grade level time at start of day Students eating breakfast in classrooms each morning School moving in one year, but staff moving rooms because it is best for instruction
Equity Schools – Video