Call Turn to SCORE Counselors for Small Business Advice Live Your Dream. SCORE Can Help.
Call Seek Out SCORE Advisors Live Your Dream. SCORE Can Help. TOPICS Small Business and Leadership About SCORE SCORE Services for You Resources for Your Business Looking Ahead Next Steps
Call Q: Why is small business so important to the economy? A: Small businesses create jobs and fuel growth. There are nearly 26 million small businesses nationwide. Small businesses represent 99.7 percent of all employers. Small businesses create 75 percent of new jobs. About 671,800 new small businesses are formed each year. Small Business and Leadership Live Your Dream. SCORE Can Help.
Call Q: Why is owning a business important to you? A: Small business represents success on your own terms. Be your own boss. Bring a new idea to life. Achieve your lifelong dream. Create financial independence. Turn your hobby into a profitable business. Small Business and Leadership Live Your Dream. SCORE Can Help.
Call SCORE “Counselors to America’s Small Business” is a national nonprofit association. SCORE’s mission is to provide small business counseling and training to help America’s entrepreneurs succeed. Local business workshops and seminars Face-to-face counseling through 389 offices Online counseling through the SCORE Small Business Web Site, Free and confidential business advice for entrepreneurs About SCORE Live Your Dream. SCORE Can Help.
Call Q: How can a SCORE business counselor help? A: SCORE counselors give real-world advice that applies to your business. Practical advice Business planning assistance Problem-solving for business challenges Growth strategies for business opportunities Confidential sounding board for your ideas About SCORE Live Your Dream. SCORE Can Help.
Call SCORE business counselors are volunteers. Volunteers who have achieved business success–and want to help you succeed in your business. Dedicated volunteers Confidential advice for your business Experienced business owners and executives Experts who’ve seen both economic highs and lows Pros with expertise in hundreds of disciplines About SCORE Live Your Dream. SCORE Can Help.
Call SCORE “Counselors to America’s Small Business” can help your business in many ways. Confidential business counseling Long-term business mentoring Face-to-face brainstorming sessions Online advice available anytime Local workshops and seminars on business topics SCORE Services for You Live Your Dream. SCORE Can Help.
Call SCORE services are available nationwide. More than 10,500 counselors nationwide More than 1,000 locations for counseling Ask SCORE online counseling at Local business workshops and seminars SCORE Services for You Live Your Dream. SCORE Can Help.
Call Visit the SCORE Small Business Web Site: How-to Advice & Info Ask SCORE for business advice online Find SCORE to locate any chapter in the country 2,000 pages of content for small business owners How-to articles offer practical business tips National Resources for Your Business Live Your Dream. SCORE Can Help.
Call SCORE Resource: Live Your Dream. SCORE Can Help. The SCORE Small Business Web Site also offers: Business Tools— Workshops, tips and tools for your business. How To—Industry articles and expert insights.
Call SBA Resource: Live Your Dream. SCORE Can Help. Visit Find information on starting a business, financing, marketing and other business topics.
Call SCORE Offers Free Resources for Your Business How To Really Start Your Own Business—a workbook available at your local SCORE chapter office. SCORE eNews—an newsletter with small business news and how-to advice. SCORE Expert Answers—an newsletter on leadership topics for entrepreneurs. Resources for Your Business Live Your Dream. SCORE Can Help.
Call Q: What can a mentor bring to the table? A: Information, ideas and advice to help you succeed. Wisdom gained from the “school of hard knocks” Independent, thoughtful advice specific to your business Perspective from years in the trenches of economic cycles Looking Ahead to Mentoring Live Your Dream. SCORE Can Help.
Call Looking Ahead to Your Success Live Your Dream. SCORE Can Help. Entrepreneurial Success Factors A focused business plan Hard work, and plenty of it A quality product and/or service Good advice
Call Looking Ahead to Create Success Live Your Dream. SCORE Can Help. Build Your Business Success Play to your strengths. Identify areas to improve. Learn and grow as a leader. Add to your knowledge base. Form a network of trusted advisors.
Call Turn to SCORE Live Your Dream. SCORE Can Help. 40+ years of service to the small business community Award-winning business counseling and resources Resource partner with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)
Call The Houston Chapter
Call Houston SCORE Chapter #37, is one of the initial chapters sponsored by the SBA Celebrating our 44th year of public service to the greater Houston area - and neighboring communities Our Mission: Help Small Businesses Succeed Our Mantra: Educate, Counsel, Mentor
Call Our Services Free Business Counseling Seminars & Workshops Resource Library and a Website Clients range from those interested in day care centers, hair and nail salons, retail apparel shops, restaurants, security services, art and IT consultants to a modeling agency and a professional accounting firm just entering the small business world. "any small business can obtain help from SCORE. Whether you are considering starting your own business, have a business that is experiencing problems, are ready to expand, or need some other type of advice, SCORE can help." … Harland Andrews, Chapter Chair.
Call Live Your Dream. SCORE Can Help. Visit Houston Chapter Web Site Find SCORE office nearest you Sign up for our educational programs Browse the Start up kit with links to resources important to small business start ups Read How-to articles which offer practical business tips
Call Chapter 37 Startup Kit Links to Key Websites
Call Our 70+ volunteers represent a cross section of retired executives and small business owners SCORE counselors donate their time and expertise to help small business owners or would-be entrepreneurs with –business plans, –loan applications, –marketing tactics and much more. All SCORE counseling services are free and confidential. SCORE is always looking for small business consultants to help with the heavy counseling workload
Call Become a SCORE Volunteer As a SCORE volunteer, you will: –Be a leader in the effort to provide real-world assistance to small businesses –Gain fulfillment by sharing your business experience and expertise with a new generation of entrepreneurs –Build relationships with local business leaders For a part-time volunteer opportunity with extremely flexible hours, please contact us for more information about joining the Houston chapter. The Houston Chapter is looking for new counselors with a business background and a desire to share their knowledge
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