Network and WiFi By: Clara-Hannah S., Amelia H., and Margot d’I.
What is a Network A network is the link between two or more computers, which allows them to share information, exchange files, and communicate electronically Computers on a network are linked through cables, telephone lines, radio waves, satellites, or infrared light beams.
Types of Network There are many types of Networks (WWAN, WLAN, etc.) Nevertheless, the three main types of network are LAN, WAN, and MAN
What is LAN? LAN stands for Local Area Network This network is used throughout a relatively small area. It is generally limited to a geographic area such as a writing lab, school, or building.
What is Wan? WAN stands for Wide Area Networking This network links networks in larger geographic areas such as a country in Europe and another in South America Special transoceanic cabling or satellite uplinks may be used to connect this type of global network.
What is MAN MAN stands for Metropolitan Area Networking This type of network connects computers together on a common network in the same city.
What is Topology Topology is the geometric arrangement of a computer system or network The common topologies are a bus, star and a ring
What is Protocol The protocol is the set of rules and signals that computers on a same network use to communicate The most popular protocol for LAN is called Ethernet Another popular LAN protocol on PCs is the IMB (token-ring network)
What is architecture The architecture of a network is its classification and its organization Examples of architecture is: peer-to-peer or client/server architecture
What is network software? A computer network, or data network, is a network of telecommunications. It allows computers to exchange data. In computer networks, network computing devices pass data to each other along data connections
What is network security? The Network security is a policy made by a network administrator to prevent unauthorized access to networks To prevent a computer from getting a virus, there are antiviruses for the computer, but for the network, there are routers and firewalls A firewall is a set of related programs that protects the resources of a private network from users from other networks A router is small physical device that joins multiple networks together
What does WiFi stand for? It stands for Wireless Fidelity It allows people to access the internet or the network
What are 3G/4G/LTE 3G: is the third generation of mobile telephony technology 4G: is the fourth generation of mobile telephony technology, it is more efficient LTE: Long Term Evolution marketed as 4G LTE
What is city wide WiFi Free Wireless network that everyone can access: Starbucks, planes, trains It is faster and easier to access
What is campus wide Wifi It is a wireless WiFi that is spread throughout a whole school campus (LAN)
What are the advantages and disadvantages of WiFi There are advantages and disadvantages of having and using WiFi Advantages: one can have free signal or at a very low fee almost everywhere Disadvantages: There are many security issues
What hardware needed for WiFi Wired Network Wireless Access Point Wireless Adapter
What is Data Security Risk Something called the IT security ensures the security of your computer; when in deficit, your computer is not secured. Data codes can be encrypted, leading to a virus.
What is “Range” and “Interference” Range is the speed at which the network travels Interference is when a Wi-Fi receptor interacts with another Wi-Fi receptor. Overcapacity can also cause interference.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of installing a school network? There are many advantages and disadvantages to installing a school network such as : Advantages: file sharing, sharing devices, sharing internet access, security, speed Disadvantages: expensive to install, requires administrative time, servers fail, cables may break, security and compliance.
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