How it has changed lives! History of Technology How it has changed lives!
Paleolithic 2.5 Million years ago Use of fire Unpolished stone tools Sculpture Musical instruments Burial of the dead Cave dwellings Cave paintings Stone axes Bone needles Hearth sites
Mesolithic 20,000 BC Microliths Sails Wheel and axle Leatherwork Basketry Fishing tackle Stone adzes Canoes Bows Domesticated animals Stone circles Sickles
Neolithic 10,000 BC Stone and mud brick dwellings Pottery Polished stone tools Spinning and weaving tools Wooden and stone plows
Bronze Age 3300 – 1200 BC Metal pots and pans Pottery wheel Chariot Pulley Metal jewelry Metal tools Metal weapons
Iron Age 1200 – 1000 BC Block and tackle Pump Lathe Iron dagger Iron chisel Iron axe Iron spearhead
Middle Ages 500 – 1400 AD Waterwheel Windmill Cannon Mechanical clock Wheeled plow Horseshoes Stirrups Crank Compass Ocean-going ships
Renaissance 1300 - 1600 Telescope Microscope Thermometer Barometer Printing press Rifle
Industrial Age 1700 - ? Steam engine Electricity Automobile Airplane Radio Television Telephone Rocket
Information age … Where will it take us?