MATHEMATICS Converting between Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions
Lesson Objectives The aim of this powerpoint is to help you… to convert mixed numbers to improper fractions to convert improper fractions to mixed numbers
RECAP: Types of Fractions…
Fractions are divisions… The line in a fraction represents division. ¾ means 3 ÷ 4 Pictorially let’s share 3 squares equally between 4 people Each person gets one colour = ¾ of a square
Improper Fractions Mixed Numbers To convert an improper fraction to a mixed number… Divide the top number by the bottom number The answer becomes the whole number part Any remainder becomes the fractional part (and is written over the original bottom number)
Example 1
Example 2
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Answers (and workings)
Whole Numbers and Fractions
Whole Numbers and Fractions (cont’d)
Mixed Numbers Improper Fractions To convert an improper fraction to a mixed number… Multiply the whole number by the bottom number of the fraction Add the top number of the fraction to your answer You now have the new numerator (top number) – the denominator (bottom number) stays the same!
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Answers (and workings)
What next? Print out the notes called Frac2a and Frac2b. Read them and make sure you answer any questions Work through all of the MyMaths lesson called Improper and Mixed Numbers found at: If you need more practice, try the worksheet called MN-IF-S1.xlsx. Now move on to the Frac-3 powerpoint