Outside the body shop
Ready for the ride home
Finished doors
Right front
Left front
The rear end
Prep for paint
Final sanding
Almost ready for paint
Loaded for the ride home
Ready to unload
In the driveway at home
With Ken (that’s me)
Rear end closeup
Get me out of the sun
Inside my shop
Inside for reassembly
August at the body shop
Upper and lower tailgates finish painted
Right front Van box - painted
Left front Van box
Back end of the Van box
Screwed down to the trailer for the ride home
Loaded and ready for the ride home
In my shop
Another angle
Cabin beading installed
Nameplate and my decal
Vespacar nameplate and turn signals installed
First coat of black Tremclad under the front fender and behind the front wheel
Horn installed
Horn protection piece installed