Acceleration Due to Gravity
Eureka – Acceleration P.2 Gpzwhttps:// Gpzw Eureka – Gravity ▫ LU
Read “Going Ballistic” Answer the following questions: ▫Research: What is air resistance? What affects that amount of air resistance on an object? ▫What is the shape of most orbits? ▫Draw a rough sketch of the “hole to China” indicating where an individual who falls into this hole is at rest and at maximum speed. ▫What is free fall? How is the International Space Station and the moon in free fall? Write a paragraph to explain it to a 5 year old. ▫Why do you feel weightless in free fall?
What is acceleration due to gravity? Get out the Probe!!!
On Earth, Acceleration due to gravity - “little g” a g or g = 9.81m/s 2 [ towards centre of Earth ] or [ ] ▫This varies depending on the Earth’s radius at a given point but this is a generally accepted average ▫It’s CONSTANT acceleration! For our calculations, ▫We assume no air resistance
How fast does it hit the ground? /one-dimensional- motion/kinematic_formulas/v/impact-velocity- from-given-height