A Hero with a Heart
Prereading questions What do you think a hero is? Have you ever done something nice for someone? How did that make you feel?
When Ana Dodson traveled to Peru two years ago, she went on more than just a vacation. She was visiting her native country. Ana, 13, was born in Peru, but she was adopted by an American family and grew up in the United States. Ana was born in Peru, adopted by an American family, lived in America. She visited Peru. Vacation: A fun trip away from home
Adoption What does it mean when a family adopts a child? When a family agrees to give their baby to another family.
While in Peru, Ana got a glimpse (an idea) of what her life could have been like had she not been adopted. She visited several (lots of) Peruvian orphanages, including one in the hills of Cuzco, near her birthplace.(Where she was born)
Orphanage What is an orphanage? a place where children whose parents have died can live and be cared for : a home for kids without parents Think of the movie Annie
"[The orphanage] was really cold and dry," Ana told Weekly Reader. "The paint was falling off....The girls...were very malnourished." Malnourished: not eating enough food or not eating enough healthy food
When Ana returned home to Colorado, the memory of the orphanage in Cuzco haunted (scared) her. "I really couldn’t get the girls out of my mind, and I really wanted to do something...because I could have been one of those girls in that orphanage." Colorado is a state in America in the west
What has happened so far? Ana is born in Peru Ana is adopted by American parents Ana lives in America Ana visits Peru Ana visits the orphanages that she would have lived in Ana returns home to Colorado Ana reflects on the orphanages
She decided to start a group called Peruvian Hearts to help. In two years, Peruvian Hearts has raised (gave) about $18,000 for the orphanage. Peruvian Hearts to help is a charity. Charity: a group of people who work together to make money and do nice things for people who need it $18,000 dollars is how much it costs to buy a car!
The group also bought a chicken coop so the girls can eat fresh eggs. A chicken coop is a fenced in yard with chickens in it, the chickens make eggs for people to eat!
Why would Ana want the girls at the orphanage to have a chicken coop? How would this help the girls? When Ana visited the orphanage, were the girls nourished or malnourished?
Ana’s efforts have not gone unnoticed. She recently won a Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes. The award is given to kids and teens who make a difference. Ana says any kid can do what she did. "Really believe in yourself, and follow your heart," she says. Have not gone unnoticed: People are noticing Ana Follow your heart: Do what you makes you happy.
Summary of vocabulary Vacation: a fun trip away from home Adoption: When a family agrees to give their baby to another family. Orphanage: a home for kids without parents. Malnourished: not eating enough food or not eating enough healthy food
More Vocabulary Charity: a group of people who work together to make money and do nice things for people who need it Chicken Coop: a fenced in yard with chickens in it, the chickens make eggs for people to eat!
The Title Why do we think this story is called? A Hero with a Heart Now, what do you think a hero is? How is Ana seen as a hero?