.. SAN-HFM Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2010 – 2011 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support
.. SAN-HFM Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2010 – 2011 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Distance Learning Student Response Profile and Totals Host Site Responses Receive Site Responses Section A 12 Students gave no answer.
.. SAN-HFM Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2010 – 2011 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support 1. My class in DL had a variety of learning activities and was beneficial. Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Uncertain Receive Site Responses Section B Overall Responses Host Site Responses
.. SAN-HFM Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2010 – 2011 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support 2. The teacher gave the same amount of attention to host site and remote site(s). Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Uncertain Receive Site Responses Section B Overall Responses Host Site Responses
.. SAN-HFM Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2010 – 2011 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support 3. I was able to get extra help from the teacher when necessary. Receive Site Responses Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Uncertain Not Applicable Section B Overall Responses Host Site Responses
.. SAN-HFM Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2010 – 2011 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support 4. I feel I learned as much in a DL class as I would have in a regular classroom. Receive Site Responses Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Uncertain Section B Overall Responses Host Site Responses
.. SAN-HFM Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2010 – 2011 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support 5. Class materials such as tests, homework, assignments, etc. arrived on time. Receive Site Responses Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Uncertain Section B Overall Responses Host Site Responses
.. SAN-HFM Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2010 – 2011 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support 6. I felt comfortable using room equipment (Elmo, VCR, copier/fax, etc.) when necessary. Receive Site Responses Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Uncertain Not Applicable Section B Overall Responses Host Site Responses
.. SAN-HFM Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2010 – 2011 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support 7. I was able to clearly hear and understand teachers/aides/students at other sites. Receive Site Responses Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Uncertain Section B Overall Responses Host Site Responses
.. SAN-HFM Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2010 – 2011 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support 8. If I had to make up a missed class, it was easy to do so. Receive Site Responses Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Uncertain Not Applicable Section B Overall Responses Host Site Responses
.. SAN-HFM Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2010 – 2011 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support 9. Given the opportunity, I would take another DL course. Receive Site Responses Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Uncertain Section B Overall Responses Host Site Responses
.. SAN-HFM Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2010 – 2011 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support 10. I would recommend others take a distance learning course. Overall Responses Host Site Responses Receive Site Responses Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Uncertain Section B
.. SAN-HFM Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2010 – 2011 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Section C Student Comments
.. SAN-HFM Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2010 – 2011 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Student Comments 1. I took Distance Learning because: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ I wanted to take anthropology and it just happened to be a distance learning class. - I wanted to learn about Marine Science and was interested in the distance learning environment. – I wanted to take a calculus class before I went to college and my schedule wouldn’t allow me to fit the one calculus class offered at Mechanicville. I wanted to take an SAT course to help prepare and it just happened to be a DL course. - I actually didn’t realize it was a distance learning course until the first day, but it was an interesting experience. I wanted to challenge myself by taking an AP course. I also like the interaction with the other students. - I took distance learning because I needed art history for my chosen major in college. - The class was a college class that I could earn credit for and it helped me decide if I wanted to pursue a career in criminology. I had to pick up a science and didn’t have room on my schedule at my home school. AP History was only offered through Distance Learning. - I had to take French because I've already taken 3 years and wanted to continue and it was no longer offered in my school. - I wanted to learn in class that has a different setting and also to meet other people from different schools. Section C
.. SAN-HFM Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2010 – 2011 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Student Comments Section C Students most frequently said they took Distance Learning because: They wanted that particular subject. They wanted AP or college credit. It was recommended that they take the course. They needed the particular course. They wanted something different. They were interested in meeting new students. The subject was only offered in DL.
.. SAN-HFM Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2010 – 2011 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Student Comments 2. What did you like about Distance Learning? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ I liked learning about the equipment and sharing experiences. The class was very insightful and beneficial. - Meeting new people, the new experiences of learning, the trip to the holocaust survivor, blackboard website. - It was great to meet students from other schools, our classroom is great and it ran just as smoothly as any other class! My teacher was also amazing. It was an interesting experience compared to a traditional learning environment. - I liked the material we covered and the environment. The teacher from St. Johnsville, Mrs. Collerido, and the information was beneficial. I also liked blackboard.neric.org, and the field trip. It gave me an opportunity to learn about things that I normally wouldn't be able to in my school. - I like how we learn from an actual college professor and learn things you don’t in high school. It was different but it was just as effective as a learning environment. The teacher was amazing and we got to interact with other schools. - I liked that even though we weren't in the same room, our teacher never forgot about us. Section C
.. SAN-HFM Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2010 – 2011 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Student Comments Section C Most frequently noted as liked by DL students: Meeting and interacting with different students, teachers and schools. The subject or course material. Interesting and comfortable learning environment. The teacher or teaching assistant. A new experience working with the advanced technology. The opportunity to take a class not otherwise offered.
.. SAN-HFM Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2010 – 2011 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Student Comments 3. What didn’t you like about Distance Learning? __________________________________________________________. _________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ The TV's and microphones are really old. - The sound that was made from cell phone interference. - Sometimes the TV and microphones didn’t work. Computers didn’t let us open up certain sites. – When the microphones or volume of the other schools was too loud it could be very distracting. - We need new laptops and new technology, I had a tough time with technology and I know how to use technology but with the lack of modern equipment it was hard to do so. Not being able to communicate with the teacher or get extra help when required. - It felt as if the teacher was only teaching to his own school and he would give us work days and we are not able to work on the projects. - We didn’t have as much access to our teacher as the host site. The amount of talking in the classrooms. - The classes started at different times making the class short, problems with the computer and days that don’t match up. - The other class talked 24/7 and when you asked them to stop they wouldn’t or would give you attitude. It is not easy to get extra help. There are issues with handing work in and unequal attention to each class. Section C
.. SAN-HFM Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2010 – 2011 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Technical problems with audio or poor student/microphone/camera positioning. Disruptive students or lack of discipline. Student Comments Section C Most frequently noted as disliked by DL students: Lack of extra help or lack of one-on-one with the teacher. Lack of interaction with or lack of attention from teacher or other students. Not dealing effectively with bell schedule or school calendar differences.
.. SAN-HFM Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2010 – 2011 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Student Comments 4. What changes would you suggest for the Distance Learning classes? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ New microphones so it's easier to communicate with the other students. - Equipment upgrades for all distance learning classes. - Have all schools up to date with the newest technology. Having more teacher visits. - I think that we should be able to meet them in person. Be taken more seriously, no favoritism, and the schools should be treated more fairly. Some other way to exchange homework other than the fax machine. Possibly an easier way to get one on one extra help from the teacher to a remote site. More organization between the schools, unified tools available to both districts. Students be more respectful of the DL teacher when he or she isn’t there to reprimand them. Have the work and things ed or something. Work on the matching the bell schedules better. Section C
.. SAN-HFM Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2010 – 2011 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Student Comments Section C Most frequently suggested changes: More discipline to deal with disruptive and disrespectful students. Technical improvements and better student/microphone/camera positioning. Visits by teachers to remote classes and or combined class field trips. More balanced attention to classes and better interaction. Deal more effectively with bell schedule and school calendar differences. Note: Comments indicating that a student did not feel any changes were necessary were the second most frequent. “I wouldn’t change anything about it.” “None. I liked it how it was.”
.. SAN-HFM Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2010 – 2011 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Student Comments 5. What surprised you about Distance Learning? ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Interaction with students from another school was interesting. - How easy it was to hear other kids. - How it was like a normal class. How much I enjoyed the class and it’s benefits. - It's not that different from the regular classes. - How easy I adjusted. - I didn’t think it would be as high tech as it was. How awesome the staff is at Gloversville and Glens Falls. - It just feels like a normal classroom. - It was easy to follow along even though the teacher wasn’t in the classroom. - It is pretty easy to get everything done with very little confusion. How involved everyone is. – I thought it would be weird having other students on the screens, and be "distracting" because it wasn’t like the normal teaching environment but surprisingly it felt natural. Being on camera and having a field trip to see a holocaust survivor. - The attention that the teacher was able to give each student. - How easy it was to keep in touch with the teacher.- I thought it was going to be awkward being on camera with a bunch of people I didn’t know but it really wasn’t. - My teacher was nicer when the TV's were on. When they were off she was like a drill sergeant. You had to compensate for the teacher not being there. Section C
.. SAN-HFM Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2010 – 2011 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Student Comments Section C Most frequently noted as surprising about distance learning: That it is unexpectedly easy to become comfortable with the system. Interaction with remote teachers and students was easy. The environment is comfortable and enjoyable. It worked so well. An appreciation for the advanced technology. It was harder or in someway less than what was expected. Little or nothing surprised me.
.. SAN-HFM Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2010 – 2011 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Student Comments I didn’t feel there were any limitations. Yes, the teacher did make effort(s) to compensate for limitations in the DL system. No, the teacher did not make an effort to compensate for limitations in the DL system. 6. Did you feel the teacher made an effort to compensate for any limitations in the DL system? Host SitesReceive Sites Section C
.. SAN-HFM Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2010 – 2011 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Student Comments (If you answered “No”) Please describe what you wish your teacher could have done. ______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ I wish our teacher had returned our s and come to our school. He did not seem to make an effort to fix problems when we had them. My teacher never returned any of my messages. I wish out teacher had not gone off topic so much. Our teacher should have worked with the students in all the classes more. I would have liked our teacher to pay more attention to our questions. We could never get hold of our teacher, I wish we could have. I wish our teacher could have offered us more time. Section C
.. SAN-HFM Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2010 – 2011 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Students that feel the teacher did not make an effort to compensate Section C Students wished that the teacher would: Not ignore their remote students or pay less attention to the receive sites. Been more organized with assignments and notes. Visit the remote students at least once. Only 6% of the responses indicated that the students felt their teacher did not make an effort to compensate for limitations with the system.
.. SAN-HFM Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2010 – 2011 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Student Comments (If you answered “Yes”) Please describe the efforts the teacher made to compensate. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ When we couldn’t see something because things didn’t work online, she put them on the main screen. When possible Mr. Hammond traveled to the other sites and was always understanding of lapses in communication. Mrs. Wasserstrom was awesome. - Our teacher traveled away from home site to visit other schools and stayed on for after school help. The teacher would call the other school if a student wished to talk privately. The teacher made sure that every student at all sites got to ask questions and receive answers. The teacher sometimes could not recognize that I had a question, but the DL aide was able to get the teacher's attention in order for me to ask my question. She tried to speak in French more and explain in English, she came up with new games to help us learn, she made PowerPoint's when she hasn’t before and she was very forceful keeping people under control. Section C
.. SAN-HFM Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2010 – 2011 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Section C Most Frequently Recognized DL Teacher Efforts Students that feel the teacher did make an effort to compensate: Visited receive sites and promoted interaction between schools. Made , Web, BlackBoard and/or phone contact available. Made efforts to resolve technical issues. Provided extra help and review sessions. Used the technology to its best advantage.