GHS Counselors Students are assigned to counselors by a student’s last name through an alphabetical split: A -- CheChris Mack Chi-GraRobert Forti Gre-LarVictoria Thompson Las-OlmKerry Ryckmen Oln-SheJoann Keller Shi– ZCecilia Bryant
GHS Website: The website contains a wealth of information including, school, academic, sports, calendar, news, course descriptions, and a quick and easy way to communicate with any GHS faculty member.
Your Most Asked Questions… What do I do if I can’t find my way around school? Who should I ask? Open House, Maps, Tiger Crew Leaders, Faculty and Staff Will I have enough time to get to class? You have 5 minutes in between classes. This is plenty of time to get to any class on campus.
Q & A Continued Can I pick which lunch hour I want? No. Your lunch hour is determined by your schedule. Can I leave campus for lunch? No. GHS is a closed campus.
More Q & A What is the student ID used for and am I required to carry it at all times? Your ID is used when you’re riding the bus, in the library, and to get into all school functions like dances and games. Your ID must be presented upon request to any faculty or staff member Do I have to wear a PE uniform? Do I have to pay for my PE locker? Do I have to take a shower after PE? No uniform, no charge for a locker but you will need a lock, a shower is recommended but not required.
Q & A… What classes are available? Refer to your handout for a list of Freshmen classes. Are report cards mailed home? Progress reports are ed home every 4 ½ weeks. Semester grades are mailed and are the important grades which go on your transcripts.
Q & A Am I allowed to select my schedule and can I make changes? You select your classes with help from your counselor. Your final schedule is computer generated. You cannot request teachers or class periods. You can change your schedule only for the following reasons: Incomplete schedule Prerequisite needed Level adjustment Summer School completion Incorrect placement Missing lunch
Q & A What happens if I “cut/ditch” class? The school contacts your home and reports the absence. Detention can be assigned and is served at lunch or after school. What is the Student Handbook? The student handbook is given to each student at the beginning of the year. It contains a great calendar to help you stay organized to be successful here at GHS.
Bell Schedule A6:30 - 7:25 17:30 - 8:25 28:30 - 9:25 39:30 -10:30 410:35 -11:30 511: :30 612:35 - 1:30 71:35 - 2:30
4 Year Plan Talk with your parents regarding your interests. Map out a 4 Year Plan. Planning ahead will insure that you have the preparation necessary to pursue your educational and career goals. You will also have a chance to create a four year plan with the counselor during your Freshman class visit. We will be using the website to create your four year plan. You will be able to access this site from home.
Prep for College Research college requirements. This is especially important if you are interested in out-of-state schools or prestigious universities. Students should map out their schedules and 4 Year Plan early to include additional or more rigorous courses. Some dual credit courses aren’t accepted by out-of-state schools, so check ahead of time.
Things to Keep in Mind For scholarships and college admission, it is important to: Follow a rigorous course of study Earn good grades Get involved in clubs and extracurricular activities Look for and take advantage of leadership opportunties
CREDITS NEEDED A total of 22 Credits are needed for graduation. ****Entrance requirements are for Arizona Universities.
English Graduation = 4 credits University = 4 credits Must be English I through English IV
Math Graduation = 4 credits University = 4 credits
Science Graduation = 3 credits (one credit must be Biology) University = 3 lab science credits
Social Studies Graduation = 3 credits (refer to course description book) University = 2 credits Social Studies offers both required and elective courses
PE Graduation = 1 credits University = not required
Electives Graduation = 4.5 credits University = not required
Computer Graduation =.5 credits University = not required
Modern Language Graduation = not required University = 2 years of the same language
Career Technical Ed/Fine Art 2 Credits of CTE or Fine Art are required to graduate Courses in agriculture, business, family & consumer sciences, industrial education are vocational. Courses in visual arts, performing arts and dance are fine arts. The fourth credit/level of coursework in some programs can count for CTE/FA. See the course description book for details.
Fine Art Required for the university All of our in-state universities require 1 year of a fine art to be admitted to their schools.
AIMS/PARC Testing Information will be provided at a later date
HONORS PROGRAM If you are not currently in an Honors course, you will need to take a placement test in order to enroll in an Honors course. See your counselor at the Junior High regarding testing. Those students without a test score on record will be put on an Honors Contract. Go to the Counseling Office at Gilbert High School for additional information on the Honors Contract.
Honors English If moving from regular English to Honors English, remember to do the summer reading. The summer reading Book is A Separate Peace by John Knowles. Please note that the course description book indicates two summer reading assignments. Only A Separate Peace is required.
Tutoring Tutoring is available for all students. National Honor Society students provide tutoring during both lunch hours in the library. Teachers are available during certain times of the day to assist students as well.
Clubs GET INVOLVED! Get involved when you get to high school. Open house and orientation nights have tables for sports and other activities.
Clubs Art Drama FBLA Hiking Best Buddies Game Wizards Tiger Town DECA Plus, over 40 more! Red Cross Yearbook Clay GUESS FFA Future Educators Astronomy Dance
Leadership Student Council Class Student leadership class for students who run for office but don’t get voted in. Class will focus on the following: Leadership Community Service Student Council activities Communication, Public Speaking and more…..
Important Stuff We do not recommend 9th graders take an ‘A’ hour. However, there are a limited number of ‘A’ hours available. (Signing up does not guarantee your placement in the class.) You also must provide your own transportation. Indicate at least 2 alternate courses on your form. Be aware of prerequisites needed in order to take certain courses.
Open House The beginning of the school year brings a chance for you and your child to meet all of their teachers and visit their classrooms. The Open House date will be announced at a later time. It will be some time in August.
Available Information READ! We encourage students & parents to read the entire course description book sent home with students. The most common questions can often be found in the book, along with other informational materials given to your students.
Open Enrollment ( Boundary Exemptions) If you are in the Gilbert district, register as normal. Hand in the registration form to your current school. If you are outside the district, wait for confirmation that you have been accepted to GHS. Once you receive confirmation, your parents will call GHS to set up an appointment to register.
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Nondiscrimination Statement: Gilbert Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. Declaracion de Non Discriminacion: Gilbert Public Schools no discrimina a raza, color, nacionalidad, genero, edad, o habilidad diferenciada.