PPS Department Update Denise Doolittle, Director Paul Pattavina, Supervisor Lori Secchiaroli, Supervisor December 15, 2014
West Ed Recommendations Improve the skills and competencies of the paraprofessionals & provide training/professional development Increase parent involvement in the special education process through parent training & education Improve student achievement in reading & math Examine the district’s continuum for Least Restrictive Environment for students with disabilities particularly students with multiple disabilities & students with challenging behaviors Chart & analyze incidents of restraint and/or seclusion & review for trends, etc.
Student Achievement Provided time for teachers to develop and revise the department’s Progress Monitoring Spreadsheets for each grade level in reading and math. Collaborating with the curriculum department to administer the district Performance Assessments in LA and Math. – Providing accommodations and modifications to students to enable them to demonstrate what they know Exposing students to the Performance Assessment format in preparation for SBAC. Utilized NWEA’s MAP Growth Projections to establish specific growth targets for increasing student achievement in reading and math. Results from MAP & PA’s utilized to shift the instructional focus from rote learning to higher level thinking skills including critical thinking and problem solving.
Providing Excellent Learning Environments Increase the effectiveness of the Paraprofessionals through: – Professional Development on Early Learning Standards for Preschool, Behavior Strategies, Instructional Strategies, Data Collection – Paraprofessional Handbook – Paraprofessional Evaluation which is aligned to the SDE Paraprofessional Guidelines – Collaborative meetings with the PPS Administrative Team and the Paraprofessional Executive Board – created for each paraprofessional to improve communication Increase parent participation and education through: – Stakeholder Group met for 1 year – Parent Survey conducted – Evening parent workshops on the Nuts & Bolts of the IEP, Secondary Transition Planning, Navigating DDS, Bullying – Evening presentation on Safe School Climate & opportunities to take the Safe School Climate Survey – Building level parent workshops on visual strategies and communication for students with autism
Social Work Internship Program Master of Social Work Students Current Interns include 2 MSW students from S.C.S.U. for hours per week Duration - September to May, hours per week of clinical supervision with an MSW or LCSW Field experience includes: individual & group counseling, behavioral support services, crisis interventions, collaboration and consultation with faculty, parents, and community providers Placements at PV, FHS, conduct student observations and make programming recommendations at all schools including magnet schools. Future Plans Increase the number of social work internship opportunities Collaborate with UCONN, S.C.S.U., E.C.S.U., and other local universities Continue to asses the social-emotional needs of students throughout the district Develop programs to support students health and wellness in the school community
School Climate and Student Behavioral Health NBA & Intensive Behavior Support Classrooms IBS classrooms in 5 schools for students with challenging behaviors from K to 12 Common training in classroom management for all IBS & NBA staff Weekly monitoring and supervision PMT training for all staff in IBS classes Introduction to Safety Care attended by 3 teachers in elementary IBS classes BCBA support in elementary IBS classes Monthly analysis of student behavioral performance from all 6 classrooms Incidents of restraint and/or seclusion are recorded on a spreadsheet & organized by student for review Safe School Climate Olweus Survey of bullying in GPS Annual survey of parents, staff and students re: school climate indicators Coordination with School Safety committees Mental Health First Aid training Respect Document to guide staff relationships Review executive summary from CT Children’s Behavioral Health Plan Positive Behavior Interventions & Support PBIS/ Responsive Classroom practices implemented in all schools to promote positive school climate All PBIS coaches meet monthly to align practices School wide and district wide monthly reviews of student discipline with SWIS data Implementing Tiers of Intervention and promising practices from UCONN’s School of Education