Mia Alexander-Snow, PhD Planning & Institutional Effectiveness Tara Rose, MPA Assessment Roger Sugarman, PhD Institutional Research
Program Review Orientation Overview Institutional Effectiveness & Assessment Program review overview Program review schedule & current process Educational units participating in cycle Program review components: self study, external review, and implementation plan How does the office of the Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness inform Periodic Program Review? 2
What is institutional effectiveness? “ “The institution engages in ongoing, integrated, and institution-wide research-based planning and evaluation processes that incorporate a systematic review of programs and services that (a) results in continuing improvement and (b) demonstrates that the institution is effectively accomplishing its mission” (SACS Core Requirement 2.5). 3
What is assessment at UK? “Assessment is used to monitor the University’s effectiveness in achieving its mission, vision, and goals. The University and its units shall demonstrate an explicit use of assessment results to facilitate resource allocation and budgeting decisions in support of their strategic plans and to ensure quality enhancement” (UK AR 1:4) 4
What assessment activities monitor UK’s Institutional Effectiveness efforts? Strategic Planning Identifies and prioritizes the actions the University and its units can take to help it best accomplish the University’s goals and fulfill its mission (AR 1:4) 5
What assessment activities monitor UK’s Institutional Effectiveness efforts? Annual Progress Reporting Dynamic process for reviewing, updating and revising strategic planning efforts over a 3-5 year period Answers the following questions in a systematic and thorough way : “How are we doing? ---Actual Results “What things are working? ---Reflection and Analysis “What needs to happen next?” ---Improvement Action 6
What assessment activities monitor UK’s Institutional Effectiveness efforts? 6 yr Periodic Program Review : the primary vehicle for assessment of educational and administrative units and for documentation of institutional effectiveness (AR 1:4). 254 Units participate in Program Review 113 Administrative and Educational Support units 18 Colleges and Schools 95 Academic departments ( 365 Academic degree & certificate programs) 28 Research Centers & Institutes o As of 7/24/12—reported by UK registrar’s 7
What are the purposes of program review? 8 Program Review PurposesPlanningAssessmentBudgetOther University Governing Regulations I-X Administrative Regulations University Senate Rules √√√IE State (Legislature, CPE) √√ SACSIE External Constituencies (e.g., Accrediting Agencies) √
The Role of the Office of Planning in Program Review Planning Student Learning Institutional Research 9
What is UK’s Program Review Schedule? Schedule: Purpose: communicate to organizational entities the full 6-yr review cycle and when units can expect to undergo program review Goals: provide the transparent and accurate maintenance of the review schedule for the university’s educational and administrative units; and monitor unit progress 10
What units are scheduled for the Program Review cycle? College of Agriculture 2 departments (4 degree programs)/ college-wide reviews College of Arts & Sciences 3 Departments (10 degree programs) College of Dentistry College-wide/2 degree programs College of Public Health 1 Research Center College of Medicine 1 Center/12 Clinical Units & Departments 11
What units are scheduled for the Program Review cycle? College of Agriculture Community & Leadership Development (delayed to ) Merchandising, Apparel & Textiles (deferred to ) College-wide Horticulture 12
What units are scheduled for the Program Review cycle? College of Arts & Sciences Earth & Environmental Sciences Mathematics Sociology Modern & Classical Language, Literature,Culture (Delayed to ) 13
What units are scheduled for the Program Review cycle? College of Medicine Basic Science Departments: Medical Sciences Microbiology, Immunology, & Molecular Genetics (request deferral)) Toxicology Clinical Departments: Internal Medicine (request deferral) Neurology Neurosurgery Obstetrics & Gynecology Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences Pathology & Laboratory Medicine (request deferral) Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Radiology (request deferral) Center: Center on Drug & Alcohol Research 14
What units are scheduled for the Program Review cycle? College of Public Health KY Injury Prevention & Research Center 15
What are the components of UK’s program review process? 16 Unit/Program Self – Study (internal Review) SWOT Analysis External Review within UK outside UK Recommendations Implementation Plan Quality Enhancement Agenda Annual Progress Report Documentation of enhancement results & Informs Strategic Planning & Budget
17 Unit Self-Study Part 1: CPE Reporting CPESACSUKAccredited Units A. Centrality to University Mission √√√√ B. Program quality and Student Success√√√√ C. Program Demand/Unnecessary Duplication √√√√ D. Resources/ Cost and Funding √√√√ E. Program Review and Assessment√√√√
18 Unit Self-Study Part 2: University Reporting SACSUKAccredited Units Executive Summary√ Description of Academic Program√ Input from Affected Constituents√√√ Adherence to Policies & Procedures√√√ Evaluation of Quality and Productivity √√√ Service Extension & Extension Programs√√√ Program Delivery √√√ Other Areas: QEP (Quality Enhancement Plan) √√√
What are the components of UK’s program review process? 19 Unit/Program Self – Study (internal Review) SWOT Analysis External Review within UK outside UK Recommendations Implementation Plan Quality Enhancement Agenda Annual Progress Report Documentation of enhancement results & Informs Strategic Planning & Budget
What is the focus of the External Review? Examination of the self-study/accreditation report Use of appropriate data collection techniques to assure objectivity; Assessment of the validity of conclusions reached in self-study; and Identification of additional strengths and recommendations for quality enhancement. 20
How is the External Review conducted? External Review Committee (comprised of members outside the unit and UK) 6-8 Appointed Members Appointed by Dean (educational departments and degrees) Appointed by Provost (College-wide) Majority Faculty (Educational Units) 2-faculty in same discipline or college and who are external to University 1-2 ex-officio members, appointed to support external review committee Conducts external review, meets with unit and its leadership to discuss preliminary findings and writes report. 21
How does Accreditation fit into the External Review Process? Fully Accredited Programs: Accreditation Self-Study, Accreditation Review and Accreditation Report May Substitute for: UK’s self-study UK’s External Review, and UK’s External Review Committee Report Will NOT Substitute for: Program Review Implementation Plan Partially Accredited Programs : Accreditation Review and Recommendation Report : May ONLY Substitute for: External Reviewer (s) for the UK External Review 22
What are the components of UK’s program review process? 23 Unit/Program Self – Study (internal Review) SWOT Analysis External Review within UK outside UK Recommendations Implementation Plan Quality Enhancement Agenda Annual Progress Report Documentation of enhancement results & Informs Strategic Planning & Budget
What is the purpose of the Implementation Plan? sets agenda for change and quality enhancement over the next 5-7 year cycle. unit faculty, staff, and/or students under the leadership of unit head define unit agenda based on self-study and external review report/recommendations. must be approved by unit Chief Administrative Officer (CAO). used by unit to document future plans and resource needs for consideration in budgetary decision-making. folded into strategic plan and annual progress reports. 24
The Role of Assessment in Program Review Planning Student Learning Institutional Research 25
What is assessment? Assessment is the process by which … “the institution identifies expected outcomes for its educational programs and its administrative and educational support services; assesses whether it achieves these outcomes; and provides evidence of improvement based on analysis of those results” (SACS Comprehensive Standard 3.3.1). 26
Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Process Student learning outcomes Assessment methods Data collection Program improvement Timeline/ schedule Faculty achieve consensus on learning outcomes to be assessed, and map outcomes to curriculum Faculty choose assessment methods appropriate to the outcomes, purpose of assessment, and student population Faculty develop timeline for gathering assessment data, both formative and summative Faculty and staff work together to gather formative and summative assessment data and compile for review Faculty and staff collaborate to interpret assessment data and develop strategies to improve student learning outcomes Continuous improvement cycle
How does the Office of Assessment inform program review? 28 Unit Self-Study? CPESACSUKAccredited Units E. Program Review and Assessment √√√√
1. Mission Statement 2. Assessment Oversight 3. Program-level Student learning outcomes Opportunity to revise student learning outcomes Ensure the use of Overt Verbs: Bloom’s Taxonomy Review and re-align outcomes in accordance to university academic learning Map Courses to Outcomes 4. Assessment Methods and Measures at Entry and Exit Must include direct and indirect measures for each outcome Which components of the outcome will be assessed and when Be sure to include your current Program Review information Designing a program-level Assessment Plan
Designing a program-level Assessment Plan…continued 5. Data Collections When, how, what, and who 6. Data Analysis Assessment cycle and annual date for analyzing data 7. Teaching Effectiveness – NEW Identify measures of teaching effectiveness Efforts to improve Plans to evaluate students post-graduate success 8. Using Assessment data for continuous Improvement Annual reporting and reflections 9. Appendices Include report forms, curriculum maps, rubrics, other important materials
The Role of Institutional Research in Program Review Planning Student Learning Institutional Research 31
How does IR inform Program Review? 32 What are the must haves? CPESACSUKAccredited Units B. Program quality and Student Success√√√√ C. Program Demand/Unnecessary Duplication √√√√ D. Resources/ Cost and Funding √√√√
What IR sources inform Program Review? Student-Related Data Freshman Profile (ACT Scores & High School GPAs) Headcount Enrollments (10 years) Degrees Conferred (10 years) Retention and Graduation Rates Surveys Senior Alumni NSSE Campus Climate 33
What IR sources inform Program Review? Faculty-Related Data Course History Information (total enrolled, # of sections) Student Credit Hours (by semester and course level) Teacher/Course Evaluations Instructional Faculty Salaries (by CIP code, rank and gender) 34
What other institutional data sources inform Program Review? Other Sources The College Profile Reports (on IR website) The Graduate School Annual Statistical Report Doctoral Placement Report GRE Report National Research Council Report Office of Sponsored Projects Administration Sources 35
Institutional Data Sources Institutional data compiled by the UK Office of Institutional Research can be found at:
Questions? What is the Program Review Calendar? *Calendar: Purpose: communicates steps and timeline for completing program review; and ensures timely completion *Refer to educational unit calendar for cycle:
Contact Information Mia Alexander-Snow Office for Planning & Institutional Effectiveness Website: Tara Rose Office of Assessment Website: Roger Sugarman Office of Institutional Research Website: 38