Unit 1 Week 2 “How to Become an Astronaut” “A Tree House for Everyone”
Read the passage “How to Become an Astronaut” before answering Numbers 1 through 10. Now answer Numbers 1 through 10. Base your answers on “How to Become an Astronaut.”
1. Which event in the story helps Mariah solve the problem she faces? A. Vin asks Mariah to work with him during the Qualifying Exam. B. Mariah tells Vin that she will never qualify for astronaut training. C. Commander Freeman explains the details of the Qualifying Exam. D. Mariah and Vin are called to appear before Commander Freeman.
2. Read this sentence from the passage. Each job is vital to the space agency because all the specialists are needed to run the space program. Which word in the sentence helps the reader understand what vital means? F. exciting G. contributions H. specialists I. needed
3. Read this excerpt from the passage. This is central to the welfare of the astronauts aboard the stations. Without air filtration, the astronauts’ health will suffer. What does welfare mean in the excerpt above? A. clear thinking B. ability to work C. ability to speak D. physical condition
4. What happens after students are told to build air filtration units but before Mariah and Vin complete the exam? F. Vin suggests that he and Mariah work together. G. The Commander tells students that every job is important. H. Mariah and Vin are called to appear before the committee. I. The Commander tells Maria and Vin their plan was shrewd.
5. Read this excerpt from the passage. Vin, however, did not seem to share Mariah’s anguish. In fact, he had a big, sunny smile on his face. What does anguish mean in the excerpt above? A. anger B. discomfort C. excitement D. humor
6. How does the author show that it is better for Mariah and Vin to work together? F. by explaining the steps toward becoming an astronaut G. by contrasting the characters’ strengths and weaknesses H. by describing the possible outcomes of the Qualifying Exam I. by explaining the problem that Commander Freeman gave them
7. What happens after Mariah and Vin install their air filtration units perfectly? A. The Commander explains the role of air filtration. B. The Commander tells them that every job is important. C. They are called to appear before the grading committee. D. Mariah worries she will never qualify for astronaut training.
8. Read this excerpt from the passage. “Your plan to work together was a shrewd one. It showed that you are both capable of thinking ahead and planning.” What does shrewd mean in the excerpt above? F. clever G. lucky H. popular I. surprising
9. Read this excerpt from the passage. “Astronauts are not solitary workers. On the space station, you are part of a team, and members must cooperate, just as you did on the exam. In the excerpt above, “Astronauts are not solitary workers” means that astronauts do not A. get lonely B. work alone C. solve problems D. work with others
10. Which event happens last in the passage? F. Mariah and Vin work together to complete the exam. G. A committee evaluates Mariah and Vin’s test performance. H. The Commander tells Mariah and Vin they will train as astronauts. I. Marian and Vin learn they will be required to build an air filtration unit.
Read the passage “A Tree House for Everyone” before answering Numbers 11 through 20. Now answer Numbers 11 through 20. Base your answers on “A Tree House for Everyone.”
11. Read this excerpt from the passage. He pointed to a huge, hardy maple tree in the backyard. The tree’s sturdy branches had survived years of summer thunderstorms and winter winds without breaking. What does hardy mean in the excerpt above? A. giant B. old C. strong D. thick
12. Which of the following solves the problem of building a tree house? F. Mr. Gupta offers to help Mr. Hamilton. G. The Guptas move in next door to the Hamiltons. H. Mr. Gupta says that he will be doing house repairs. I. Mr. Hamilton says that he is happy the Guptas have moved in.
13. Read this excerpt from the passage. Mrs. Gupta salvaged some sturdy pieces of wood before throwing away the rest, and she used the planks and boards to build the walls and floor of the tree house. What does salvaged mean in the excerpt above? A. saved to use again B. cut in smaller pieces C. used to solve a problem D. replaced with stronger pieces
14. What happens after the families agree to build the tree house but before they set to work? F. They build the floor of the tree house. G. The Hamiltons learn more about construction. H. The Guptas finish working on their own house. I. They get materials they need for the tree house.
15. Read this excerpt from the passage. Mrs. Gupta showed Mr. Hamilton how to use extra planks of wood to reinforce the floor: “This way.” she explained, “you can be sure the floor won’t break when you walk on it.” What does reinforce mean in the excerpt above? A. above B. decorate C. finish D. strengthen
16. How are Mr. Gupta and Mr. Hamilton similar? F. They have built tree houses before. G. They are doing construction on their homes. H. They want to work together to build a tree house. I. They are interested in becoming professional contractors.
17. Read this excerpt from the passage. Marcy and Emma insisted on putting in two windows so that they could enjoy seeing the tree’s foliage throughout the year. The leaves were thick and green now, but in the fall they would become a rich blend of reds, oranges, and yellows. What word in the excerpt helps the reader understand what foliage means? A. blend B. fall C. leaves D. windows
18. How are the steps to building the tree house important to the story’s plot? F. They show what to do to build your own tree house. G. The support the story’s central idea of working together. H. They support the first and last events that occur in the story. I. They show why Emma, Marcy, and Zack have so many friends.
19. Read this excerpt from the passage. Zack and Macy were very hospitable. They invited friends to visit the tree house, and children in the neighborhood knew the Hamiltons’ maple tree as a friendly place to gather. What does hospitable mean in the excerpt above? A. likeable B. lonely C. selfish D. welcoming
20. Why does the story skip ahead a few months at the end? F. to show what the neighbors want to accomplish next G. to show the effect the tree house has on the neighbors H. to show why the neighbors decided to build the tree house I. to show the different ways that the neighbors use the tree house
Essay Compare the plot in “How to Become an Astronaut” and in “A Tree House for Everyone.” What problem do the characters in each passage face? How do they solve the problem? Include accurate, explicit text evidence from both passages that shows how the sequence of events unfolds.