Aviation Management College AIRLINE MARKETING Advertising & Promotion 1.The advantages of Advertising a)To promote corporate image and brand value (the amount that a brand is worth in terms of income, potential income, reputation, prestige, and market value.) b)Helps to build sub-brands e.g., business class, FFP, special product package. c)Use to provide technical information such as new routes, new aircraft, etc. d) To sell special offers, discount fares, FFP bonus, etc e) Helps in staff motivation
Aviation Management College AIRLINE MARKETING Advertising & Promotion 2.The features of good advertising a)A good research data on feedback b)Provide checklist with the right question to the customers c) Getting a professional or consultant to analyses the result, avoid biasness d)Ensure the ad is compatible with airlines’ brand values
Aviation Management College AIRLINE MARKETING Advertising & Promotion 3.The role of Advertising a)Ads [placed in trade magazines which circulates among forwarding community b)It describes the benefits one airline against the other, c)It emphasis on the quality of ground handling, d)It main task is to convert surface traffic into air travel and freight business,
Aviation Management College AIRLINE MARKETING Advertising & Promotion 4. Promoting Sales in the Air Freight Market a) Background - Competition from trucking and ferries (short- haul), deep-sea containers (long-haul) - Cheaper freight rates - Freight forwarders 90% - Majority smaller consignments - Forwarders, consolidation and deciding airline
Aviation Management College AIRLINE MARKETING Advertising & Promotion 4. Promoting Sales in the Air Freight Market -Freight market growing faster than the pax market -Challenges in effective marketing communication -Issues may not be similar to pax market
Aviation Management College AIRLINE MARKETING Advertising & Promotion 4. Promoting Sales in the Air Freight Market b)The Sales Task -Competition from surface transport -Efforts aimed at the freight forwarding industry -Concentrates on the Senior Management team of large forwarding firms -Also the clerks who is responsible for routing and carrier choice decisions for individual consignment
Aviation Management College AIRLINE MARKETING Advertising & Promotion 4. Promoting Sales in the Air Freight Market b) The Sales Task - cont -Special task, to convert surface transport traffic into air freight -Presently only 2-4% of total goods by weight move by air -Major forwarding firms have interest in both air and surface traffic
Aviation Management College AIRLINE MARKETING Advertising & Promotion 4. Promoting Sales in the Air Freight Market c) Marketing Communication -Using Freight Sales Executive to do personal selling -Generous offer to corporate key decision makers -Advertising and promotion in trade forwarder magazines
Aviation Management College AIRLINE MARKETING Advertising & Promotion 4. Promoting Sales in the Air Freight Market c) Marketing Communication -Aggressive personal selling approach to convert surface traffic to air freight -Study and research on the cost-effectiveness of air freight -Advertise the result of the study in Financial and Business magazines
Aviation Management College