“SMART CARD” To replace paper VoterID, Driving license, AdharCARD, Paper Passport, Ration Card. Draft Idea : Hemant Pai
1. This card will look like a ATM card, which most of the people in India are familiar. Providing mobile to everyone in India is technically impossible, Even we may face lot of issues. 2. The data inside this card can be retrieved only after swiping. 3. Each and every government will have these swiping machines, hence each and every service offered to the common person will be recorded electronically. 4. Officers should not be allowed to take any request which raising a ticket on the “SMART CARD” 5. This can be used as a VOTERID, a lot of money is required for every election, for the papers ink and etc. Instead this card can be used to instead of the voter ID, one card can be swiped only once at vote Booth to Vote. 6. As a “DRVING LICENCE”, each and every police station or the traffic police will have the traffic machine, to check whether one has valid license or not this card should be swiped. 7. E-Passport : This is one of the major use of this card, this card can be developed by talking to other countries so instead of caring paper passport, this card can be carried and shown as a proof. 8. This will reduce the creation of duplicate passports. 9. Each and every transaction in banks will require to swipe this smart card, by doing this black money can be controlled.
To implement this smart card should be issued to each and every one in India, Upon submitting the existing ID’s. Different swiping machine should be developed so that, data required for that office only is retrieved from the card.
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