Color 101 The most important thing about knowing color is the natural hair levels, and the NRP (Natural Remaining Pigment). Your lifting levels to the right are the stages it goes through. For level 1 and 2 your NRP would be the darkest red. Level 3 would pull dark red Level 4 would pull red Level 5 would pull a dark red/orange Level 6 would pull a medium orange Level 7 would pull light orange/yellow Level 8 would pull yellow Level 9 would pull light yellow Level 10 would pull lightest yellow
Knowing Your Color Wheel The color wheel and understanding the color wheel while coloring hair is VERY important. If you don’t understand the color wheel, color will be very difficult for you and you will never be able to successfully get the color you want. You need to know your primary colors and secondary colors ; Primary colors would be red, blue, and yellow. Secondary colors are green, orange, and violet.
Max Color Theory The video link below is about a hair dresser named Max explaining the color wheel. I have watched this video about 4 times and am still learning! URbhhcRUUA 7:50 10:00 URbhhcRUUA Fun fact : let’s say you wanted to dye your hair a 7RV which is a red violet, the first letter will always be the strongest and dominate over the second letter. So you’ll be getting a more red tone than violet when coloring your hair this color.
Color I Have Done I threw some hi lights in this young lady’s hair. Her natural level was a 1, which is the darkest level you can have. When having hair this dark it is hard to get a level 7 or 8 color hi light in your hair, and that’s why it went up only 4 levels. Anyone with dark hair should not expect Barbie blond hair when putting hi lights threw your hair.
Color I Have Done I threw some hi lights in her hair. Her natural level was originally a level 7 which is a medium blond. She has gone darker before to a level 5 (light brown), so this was very easy to lift to a level a level 8 ( light blond).
Color I Have Done I added a magenta to this girls hair. This is a semi-permanent hair dye which means, it is good if you’re up to try a crazy color! It starts to fade after four or five washes and this dye is easy to apply. Where as if you wanted a permanent purple with darker hair like she has, you would have to lighten the hair before you put the purple on to seal the purple and get close to the color purple you want. With a permanent if you just slap it on the hair you are not promised the color you want or what the book may say.
Color I Have Done This girl wanted some hi lights and lo lights. Her natural level is around a level 7, which is a medium blond. So her hi lights turned out perfect and lifted 2 levels to the color blond she wanted. Her lo lights were very easy to apply and deposited easily. It is always easy to apply a darker color like the brown she wanted on top of a blond.
Color I Have Done This woman’s natural level was a level 5. She wanted a partial hi light to lighten it up through the front. Her hair lightened up to a level 8.
Color I Have Done This girl decided to throw some red threw the bottom of her hair. The color she chose was a demi- permanent. Also known as a long lasting semi-permanent. Demi penetrates the hair shaft and deposits color. Since her hairs natural level is a level 7 or 8 the red went right on.
Conclusion Color can be very tricky, but knowing the color wheel color will be a piece of cake and your favorite thing to do. Another very important thing to remember and know is your Natural Hair Levels. That will help you to determine what color to use on certain hair and can help you already figure your results before you color the hair. Example : If you have dark hair, with your natural level being between a level 1 and 3 if you want hi lights and want your hair to lift to a level 7 or 8, just know there is no way that can happen in one sitting. It can come close if you use a 20 vol developer for the bottom and sides of your hair so it has time to develop and not over process, and when doing the top use a 30 vol developer so it can develop faster and match with the rest of your hair.