K EY TO CORPORATE SUCCESS IN ANY CULTURE Leadership Leaders have to vest interest in recruiting and retaining a diverse workforce while promoting qualified women.
O BSTACLES Disproportionate ratio between male and female managers “Men and women have different attitudes toward competing.” – Uri Gneezy, The University of Chicago Business School Men get paid more than women for comparable amount of work “Women felt uncomfortable with “haggling”, they think negotiations are inappropriate or that they aren’t entitled to ask for more money or they fear it may damage their relationship with their employer.” – Linda Babcock, Carnagie Mellon University
G LOBAL BARRIERS HINDERING WOMEN ’ S ADVANCEMENT Women are often pigeonholed into “less challenging, less promising positions” where the career ladders are short and do not provide a wide space for growth and experience, such as costumer service, public relations, personnel/human resources. “Some jobs are better suited for men than for women.” – Turkish perspective Significant pay gaps, because of the perspective that women will leave their careers to raise families. In Chile, a woman’s marital status is a vital credential that is put alongside name, address and phone number.
G LOBAL BARRIERS - CONTINUED Exclusive corporate cultures In Japan, it’s common that managers balance work and play by bar-hopping after work until late. Female managers can’t join because of social perspectives against women who are still out after hours. Less women for overseas assignments, in part because of the “recipient” country’s cultural perspective toward women.
H OWEVER … Female expatriates usually show success because they’re not expected to act like local women and women are good at cross cultural skills (sensitivity, maintaining relationships, etc.)
K EYS TO SUCCESSFUL FOREIGN ASSIGNMENTS FOR WOMEN AND COMPANIES Lay the groundwork (e.g. letting clients know about meeting agendas and who will be present.) Practice the image of the company (e.g. giving male and female employees equal opportunities.) Consider male and female employees for foreign assignments. Don’t make assumptions. Provide cross cultural training and preparation courses. Be realistic. Men and women suffer from culture shock.