Digital Media Playground Let your digital media imagination go wild as you play and explore various stations around movie making, content creation, music mixing, web page design and more. Go back to your program with the tools needed for this Web 2.0 world.Web 2.0
Digital Media Playground Pivot Stickfigure Animator is a Windows freeware application that allows users to create stick-figure animations Voki is a free service that allows you to create personalized speaking avatars and use them on your blog, profile, and in messages Use to motivate students to participate Improve message comprehension Improve effective language learning
Digital Media Playground DoppelMe Can be used to create graphical likenesses of the user for use as an avatar in forums, IM, blogs, and almost anywhere else on the Web Meez combines avatars, games, and communities within a virtual world, creating an environment where users can personalize their identity, connect with friends, make new friends, socialize, chat and share media. Zwinky Can be used to create a non-animated cardboard cutout-like character (a Zwinky) to represent himself or herself
Digital Media Playground Photo Story 3 for Windows is a free application that allows users to create a show and tell presentation from their digital photos Shape Collage is a free photo collage maker software program See PhotovisiPhotovisi Big Huge Labs Create motivational posters, movie posters, magazine covers, badges, mosaics, collages, calendars, frames, Glogster is a social network that allows users to create free interactive posters, or glogs (graphical blog).
Digital Media Playground Wix is a Flash web design creation which enables users to create any kind of web content (Flash websites, widgets, presentations, page flip books, banners) with a simple drag and drop interface and publish that content on the Web Kerpoof Can be used to draw, create pictures, cards, books, and movies Can be used to create stories that can be printed out or movies that they write and direct Can be used to save files on websites or saved locally so students can revisit their picture, story, or movie Can be used to share student artwork online with the community.
Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy