Student InterventionsImplementation NeedsCommunication Strategy Counselor / Teachers Career Development (K-12) Traveling Career Portfolio with attached checklist to address CEW standards -Teacher to student -Counselor to student -Bulletin Boards -Student to Student Mentors -Class website Career Workshops & Classes (K- 12) -Professional Development & Outline for Grade Content -School Newsletter -Class / School Website - School Meetings Freshman Seminar with Career Assessment Component (Post- Secondary) -Discover/O-Net-First Year Experience/Orientation -Faculty /Mail -Visit Classrooms Implement Career Portfolio (Post - Secondary) -Faculty Cooperation -Online -Info Session for Faculty -Portfolio Manager “Backpacks to Briefcases” (Post- Secondary) -Presenters -Facilities -Interview Stream -Food Service -Student Activities Co -Special Program Co -Future Biz Leaders -Communications Dept. -Alumni Services North East Region
Staff InterventionsImplementation NeedsCommunication Strategy Team & Co- Teaching Career Development (K-12) -Professional Development -Updated technology -Department Meetings -Webpage -In-service Days Career Advisory Board (District Wide) (K-12) -Monthly Meetings -Standards Checklist -Professional Development -School Website -Monthly Electronic Newsletter Provide Student Opportunities to Connect w/ Business & Industry (Post- Secondary) -Co Ops, Internships, Mentoring, Community Service & Job Shadowing -Alumni -Business & Industry -College Community -Falcons “Educator in the Workplace” (Post-Secondary) -North East Tech Prep Consortium– LCCC -”Train the Trainer” Program -Career Service Coordinator -Information Session w/ Dean -Information Session w/ Faculty & Staff Professional Development (Post – Secondary) -Attend Conferences/Workshops -In House training -Continuing Education - College Community -Faculty Meeting -Chamber of Commerce -Economic Development WIB, RCEP North East Region
Parent InterventionsImplementation NeedsCommunication Strategy Bring your parent to school day (K- 12) -In class projects/activities -Parent luncheons -P.T.A. -Newsletters/school website Family engagement classes (K-12)-Monthly workshops with different topics (theme nights) -Coordinate speakers Multiple advertising (newsletters, website, ) District wide Parent Webpage (K-12) -Parents, teachers, students work together to keep site current -Letters & s -Bulletin boards -P.T.A. Career Services Parent Workshops “ Fit Cap” (Post-Secondary) -Faculty & staff support -Business & industry -Presentation to student/family by outside business and industry Career Fairs Mentors/Job shadowing (Post-Secondary) -Parent participation -Company approval -Career Services -Orientation by Career Coordinator
Business and Community Interventions Implementation NeedsCommunication Strategy “Expanded Horizons” Program (K-12) soft skills: between districts -Student Selection Process -Career workshops -Student meetings -Newspaper articles -Networking between districts Job Shadowing (K-12) -Class field trips to businesses (K-6) -Career program-courses lead to job shadow -Meetings with school & businesses -Counselors & teacher meetings -Newsletters -Newspapers -Website Chamber of Commerce (Education Committee) (Post-Secondary) -Make initial contact with Education Committee -Invite to serve on committee -Host business mixers -Advertise via media Workforce Investment Board (WIB) Connect w/ Business (Post-Secondary) -Contact Executive Director -Serve on PPC (Perkins Participatory Planning Committee) -Promote communication networks between companies and educational institutions -Various networking resources POWER (Post-Secondary) -Contact POWER leadership team -Invite to Career Activity Fair -Networking mixers -Mentorship program -Community service North East Region
Postsecondary InterventionsImplementation NeedsCommunication Strategy “College for a Day” (K-6)-Class visits to colleges -Buddy system between student/college student -Class activities -College Webpage -District Webpage Career Day at College (7-12)-In class career activities focusing on CEW standards -Participate in college career days with hands on activities -College Webpage -Parent Webpage -Brochures & flyers Dual Enrollment (11th through Post-Secondary) -Develop relationship with local CTC and sending schools -Offer Industry recognized certifications -Meetings with school officials -Brochures Careers on Campus (Post-Secondary) -Bus students to visit the local colleges -Faculty, staff & administration participation -Meetings with school officials -Attend faculty and board meetings Middle School Connections (Post-Secondary) -Special Programs Coordinator and Dual Enrollment Director visits with middle school guidance department -Coordinate information session with guidance department -Schedule guest speakers through guidance department North East Region