The Best Care For Your Trees Presented by Marty Shaw Consulting.


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Presentation transcript:

The Best Care For Your Trees Presented by Marty Shaw Consulting

Arboriculture = Tree Science & Care Planting Plant health care Pest Identification Diagnostics Pruning Preservation Emergency care Removal

Arborists are Tree Care Experts

Consulting Arborists are the Expert’s Experts

Consulting Arborists are the Expert’s Experts Authoritative advice for: Arborists Businesses Municipal government Government agencies Organizations Homeowners Developers Insurance companies Lawyers Related green industry professionals

Our Expertise Reaches Beyond Pruning Names and characteristics of trees and plant life Common pests that might damage trees Strategies for planting and maintaining Investigative skills Expert witness capabilities Hazard tree evaluation Diagnosis of plant/tree problems Plant inventories Appraisal

Our Capabilities are as Varied as Species of Trees Investigative damage Provide testimony Conduct appraisals Evaluate environmental impact of development Manage long-term planting and maintenance strategies Consult on tree planning, preservation and evaluation

Complex Situations Call for Consulting Arborists Legal or environmental matters Preservation Appraisals Damage Education

Look for These Qualifications When Hiring a Consulting Arborist ISA Membership ISA Certification TCIA Membership RCA designation ASCA member ASCA Consulting Academy graduate Formal arboriculture education

Marty Shaw Consulting solves problems: Construction damage Tree inventory Tree preservation Plant Location/selection Freeze injury Drought stress Tree risk assessment Tree valuation Analytical testing Ordinance preparation Court testimony On site consultation Report preparation

Construction Damage Construction damage is all too common on new homes Most common cause of tree failure in new home sites Slowly kills trees years after the fact Preventable with tree preservation before construction begins Can save some trees after damage with proper treatments A homeowner can file suit if they meet certain criteria This tree will not survive!

Drought Stress Weakens plant Less growth More insects More disease Ugly appearance Plant death

Freeze Injury Severe damage below the bark Dead branches Insect infestations Wood decay Tree decline Ugly appearance Tree death

Inventories Required for: –Municipal tree maintenance –Development planning boards –Insurance values –Utility clearance –Tree bank –Environmental impact studies

Tree Preservation Added value: –Real-estate –Faster sales –Quality of life –Community resource

Plant Selection/Location Typically not done well in landscaping #2 cause of plant failure Best is not always the cheapest You will have to live with them for a long time

Tree Risk Assessment Avoid: –Damage to property –Injury to people –Death to people or pets

Tree Valuation How much is your tree worth? Only an expert can tell you Don’t get nipped by insurance companies or lawyers

Report Preparation Expert report reports have a wide range of uses Critical in litigation cases Important for high visibility projects

Court Expert whiteness testimony Mediation Arbitration Conflict resolution

On Site Consultation An on-site visual assessment can reveal much about any situation. Sometimes this is all that is needed to find a solution to the problem. Can cost much less then more time consuming approaches. The late Yogi Bara once said, “You can tell a lot just by looking.”

Analytical Testing There are a wide range of analytical tests that can be performed to determine the cause of problems. These checks range from various soil analysis's to foliar nutrient examinations to pest identification and structural integrity assessments.

Questions? Marty Shaw Consulting TREE (8733)