May 20, 2011 | Friday | 10-11AM | 1414 Mass Ave, 5 th Fl. IT Services Transition Client Services Working Group Meeting
Today’s Agenda 1.Transition Program Updates 2.The Go-Live Items: –Help Desk Consolidation –Service Request, Incident, Problem & Change Management 3.Business Process Redesign 4.12 Month Implementation Plan 5.Next Steps 2
Transition Program Updates 3 1.Web Portal Work – In progress 2.Org Planning Updates – 5/6 Friday: Manager Validation of All Staff Survey Data Complete; Admin IT; and IT Security – 5/9 Monday: IT Infrastructure – 5/13 Friday: All Staff Survey Data Analysis Complete (and ready for incorporation) – 5/19 Th: IT Finance, IT Administration, Academic IT (tentative) – 5/26 Th: Strategy & Planning (S&P), Client Services 3.IT Support brown-bag sessions with Anne Marguiles and Sara Oseasohn – This past Wednesday, 2 upcoming 4.Anything else?
Service Request Management on ‘Day 1’ 4 Customer’s Perspective NowOn 6/156/15 RefinedWhen Multiple websites 1.First 2-3 layers only of “About Us” related legacy web content to be replaced 2.Single new web portal in place with coherency and same ‘look & feel’ approximately 2-3 layers down only 3.>3 layers, just linked out to existing disparate site/pages 1.Unchanged from left. 2.Unchanged from left. 3.Unchanged from left. 1.6/15 2.6/15 3.6/15 Multiple phone numbers 4.One # to direct calls / needs as a convenient option to eliminate guessing (implementation roadmap will indicate timing to move towards this number over time) 5.Reduce feeling of a ‘scavenger hunt’ 4.Unchanged from left. (617) , Initially, M-F 7:30AM – 6:00PM Menu or no menu? Off-Hours menu with options to route to existing FAS and UIS off- hours options Target for consistent hours of operation and handling 90 days 5.Unchanged from left. 4.6/15 Some targets for 9/15 5.6/15 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY
Service Request Management on ‘Day 1’ (cont) 5 Customer’s Perspective NowOn 6/156/15 RefinedWhen X different forms, tools, databases re: intake of service requests 6.Common intake form 7.Procedural integration, including handoffs, clearly documented and communicated out to all necessary staff 8.Common interim process for logging all service requests 9.Common interim process for measuring fulfillment of all service requests 6.Common identity on existing forms For discussion during 5/16 session 7.Intake and handoff processes for other operational groups being documented for distribution to unified helpdesk, procedural integration to be identified as part of implementation roadmap Fact sheet v1 to be completed: 5/18 Currently identifying follow-up areas 8.Common interim logging process for intake through the unified helpdesk number and 9.Common interim process for measuring intake to unified helpdesk number and , current reporting of fulfillment will stay in place 6.TBD 7.6/15 8.6/15 9.6/15 Multiple loosely integrated helpdesks 10.Appearance of a single service desk 10.Appearance of a single service desk for single number and , including co- location 10.6/15 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY
Incident Management on ‘Day 1’ 6 Customer’s Perspective NowOn 6/156/15 RefinedWhen Multiple or no incident management process; no common closure process (only if requested) 1.Common definition of an “incident,” including: – Common tiers of incidents; – Common corresponding escalation criteria – Common escalation process, including key point of contacts / people listed 2.Common incident mgmt process, including detail on: – How to assign which incident manager for what incident 3.Common notification form process for leadership team and senior management team(s); 4.Same communication mechanism; 5.Single incident report; 6.Common way for leadership and sr. mgmt. to easily view the status of an incident at any time 1.Common definition of an “incident,” including: – Criteria for a major incident – Common escalation process, including key point of contacts / people listed 2.Common “Major Incident” communication guidelines and templates ̵ Roles in process defined with contacts documented for each service area 3.Common template for INTERNAL notifications shared, along with creation of single leadership mailing list. Other current processes unchanged. 4.Any existing customer communications still done by current processes, but use a common EXTERNAL notification template. 5.Single common post major incident report template shared to leadership mailing list. Other current processes unchanged. 6.Leadership and senior management added to single shared list for distribution of major incident communications 1.Definition proposed: 5/23 Escalation contacts from Fact Sheet. 2.Draft for 5/23 3.Draft for 5/23 4.Draft for 5/23 5.Draft for 5/23 6.Draft for 5/31 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY
Problem Management on ‘Day 1’ 7 Customer’s Perspective NowOn 6/156/15 RefinedWhen Inconsistent of lacking problem management function, process, responsibility, and accountability 1.Common post-action report; 2.An independent validation and verification process; 3.Accountability model listing who is responsible for closing out what problem each time; 4.Common reporting process and set of recipients who should know when a problem is officially closed out 1.Common After-Action report template developed and shared. 2.Pending further clarification. 3.After-Action report template will include section for follow-up items, including necessary accountability fields. 4.Guidelines shared for how soon this report should be ed to leadership mailing list. 1.Draft by 5/31 2.TBD 3.Draft by 5/31 4.Draft by 5/31 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY
Change Management on ‘Day 1’ 8 Customer’s Perspective NowOn 6/156/15 RefinedWhen Multiple change management processes for configurable items; variable definitions of change management 1.Current state processes, if any, documented 2.Gaps, or additions and needs, identified 3.Interim ‘plug plan’ in place for 6/15 1.Current state processes, if any, documented 2.One common “Forward Schedule of Changes” calendar created, with mechanism for updating documented 3.UNDER DEVELOPMENT: Randy Ellis attending FAS IT CAB. FAS IT reaching out to OAS for CAB 1.6/15 2.6/15 3.6/15 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY
Help Desk Consolidation 9 Key Deliverables/Dates 4-27 May: Help Desk consolidation planning and design 9-18 May: Identify service unit hand-offs and schedule follow-up meetings 13 May: Staff meet and greet COMPLETED! 31 May - 3 June: UIS agents will move to Science Center 2 at a time 3 June: Movers and 2 phone moves scheduled for June June: 60 Oxford St Data Center Shutdown June: FAS CNR to Infoblox DNS Migration 20 June: Fall CA Exchange 2010 Implementation June: Summer School Opening Weekend Key Design Items Phone and triage design Hours of Operation Hand-Offs Metrics
Help Desk Hand-off Fact Sheet In progress from operational teams Includes service names, contacts, technical groups, etc Available for review shortly 10
Service Request, Incident, Problem & Change Management Packet of Communications Guidelines prepared Draft has been reviewed Includes communications templates for: –Major Incidents (Initial, Update, and Resolution notifications) –After-Action Reports (for follow-up on Major Incidents) –Change/Scheduled Maintenance Notifications Next steps –Further review –Dissemination –Adoption 11
Business Process Redesign Submitted! 12
12 month implementation plan Template distributed –12+ month outlook with milestones: Service delivery milestones (according to catalog) Key people changes Process changes or updates Transition of service areas to new owners New tools or systems to support any of the above 2-3 weeks for work Katie is taking first pass based off of service drafts Discussion: What other items do you know of that should be included? 13
Next Steps Help Desk consolidation –Continued move planning and design finalization –Hand-off coordination Service Request, Incident, Problem & Change Management –Finalize deliverable set and execution strategy 14