INVESTED DEVELOPMENT (ID) What ID is an impact investment fund manager. We manage the BSP Fund and the Impact Factoring Fund. Mission To reduce poverty in emerging markets through risk capital investments in the most innovative alternative energy and mobile technology startups. Value ID combines the efficiency and scalability of the free market with social impact at the base of the pyramid. Commitment ID is committed to supporting entrepreneurs with radically affordable innovations for the world’s underserved populations.
BSP FUND B USINESS High growth Early stage For-profit S TAGE Seed stage Seeking financing I NDUSTRY Mobile technology Alternative energy Ag tech G EOGRAPHY Emerging markets Under served US markets C APITAL Equity raise from $100K to $1M Average $350K The BSP Fund provides seed stage equity investments to technology startups in emerging markets.
OUR ENERGY PORTFOLIO EGG-energy provides a battery subscription service in Tanzania. Promethean Power provides cost-effective solutions for off-grid refrigeration and cold-chain distribution. TBT Group provides piezoelectric ceramic materials and products for energy harvesting. Simpa Networks provides mobile enabled pay-as-go financing for solar home systems in India.
The Impact Factoring Fund leverages the principles of “factoring” to provide working capital to SMEs in emerging markets. Emerging market enterprises, in particular those that engage in consumer financing (B2P) transactions, frequently struggle with access to finance at this stage of growth. IMPACT FACTORING FUND B USINESS Portfolio company Partner company For-profit S TAGE Early stage Seeking working capital Ready to scale I NDUSTRY Alternative energy and carbon markets High Impact Sectors G EOGRAPHY Emerging markets Under served US markets C APITAL Working Capital tied to the sale of physical goods