LUNG CANCER Morgan Barker Christopher Cuthrell Jr
QUICK FACTS…. Deadliest cancer in the United States Number 1 cause is smoking (80-90%) 60% of diagnoses are people who NEVER smoked/former smokers 228,190 were diagnosed in 2013 so far Over half have died (159,480) Radon gas is 2 nd leading cause; 1 st in non-smokers Total deaths worldwide is 1,370,000 Tobacco contains over 7,000 compound chemicals 69 cause cancer Smokey Lungs (Ducharme)
WHAT IS LUNG CANCER? Growth of abnormal cells within air passages in the lungs (one or both) Abnormal cells forms tumors Can go through 5 stages Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3A Stage 3B Stage 4
HOW IS IT THE DEADLIEST CANCER? (American Cancer Society)
EFFECT ON GENDER Male 1/13 will develop lung cancer Appearance doesn’t undergo much change Female 1/16 will develop lung cancer Increase 35 times faster than males Appearance undergoes significant change
HOW IS IT DIAGNOSED? Symptoms Intense coughing Chest pain; shoulders or back Discolored mucus Difficulty breathing and swallowing Harsh sounds while breathing Coughing up blood Treatments Surgery Chemotherapy Radiation Lung Cancer X-ray (Lung Cancer – Bioinformatics)
LUNG SURGERY(THORACOTOMY) Involves making cut on 1 side of chest All/part of lung is removed Location Size Type Chest tubes are needed to: Drain fluid and blood from chest Refill the lungs with air Surgery is done to: Confirm diagnosis of cancer Remove lung cancer Remove scar tissue/ fix air leak High survival rate Chest Tube (Stretton) Thoracotomy Procedure (My Medical Journey)
DOES EARLY DETECTION MAKE A DIFFERENCE? No early detection for lung cancer Symptoms show up after already in advanced stage Lung cancer screening is available People years old Good health Still smoking/ quit within last 15 years Have 30 pack-year history 1 pack/ day for 30 years Lung Cancer Screening (What do you know about lung cancer?)
SECOND HAND SMOKE A mixture of 2 forms of smoke: Sidestream smoke- smoke from lighted cigarette, pipe, cigar Mainstream smoke- smoke exhaled by smoker 20-30% chance of developing lung cancer Can cause various other diseases Asthma Lower respiratory tract infections 3,400 lung cancer deaths in non-smokers
DEVELOPMENT OF OTHER CANCERS Cancer doesn’t cause cancer Lung caner causing substances (tobacco) Larynx Throat Mouth Type of treatment Radiation Therapy
A STORY OF STRENGTH – MELISSA CROUSE NSCLC- 8 years Stage 4 Given 3-5 years to live 4 recurrences Metastasis; chemotherapy Remains a teacher Positive aspect on life (National Lung Cancer Partnership)
JIM PANTELAS Hypertrophic Pulmonary Ostioarthropity Lobectomy- lung Chemo (16 weeks) and radiation (8weeks) Stage 1B to stage % of lung (National Lung Cancer Partnership)
LUNG CANCER VS. SKIN CANCER Lung Cancer Deadliest cancer Common in men and women No physical sign Skin Cancer Least deadly cancer More common in women Appears on skin
WHAT IS SKIN CANCER? Abnormal growth of skin cells Least deadliest cancer in US 8,623 deaths Caused mostly by exposure to sun Three main types: Basal cell carcinoma Squamous cell carcinoma Melanoma Early detection gives successful treatment Symptoms Addition of new moles on body Change in shape or color of moles Lesion containing irregular border Large brown spot with darker speckles Treatment Surgery (radiation) Some medications Melanoma (Skin Cancer)
TYPES OF SKIN CANCER Basil Cell Carcinoma (MKSAP: 62-year-old man) Squamous Cell Carcinoma (Squamous Cell Carcinoma) Melanoma (Malignant Melanoma)
KIM REES Stage 2 Melanoma Caused by UV rays In the past 10 years: Had 20 biopsies Had many atypical precancerous cells Had 50+ stitches due to skin surgery “I cannot undo the damage I did at a young age, but I can share my story and educate those who think they are unstoppable, as I once did.” (Kim’s Story)
WHAT CAN WE DO? STOP SMOKING! No Smoking (No Smoking Policy)
WORKS CITED Caughey, Thomas. “Lung Cancer: The Deadliest cancer is the most Prevetable”. Mount Auburn Health Connections, Web. 3 Nov Desai, Sujal R. Lung Cancer. New York: Cambridge University Press, Print. “Jim Pantelas”. National Lung Cancer Partnership, Web. 3 Nov “Kim’s Story”. American Academy of Dermatology, Web. 3 Nov “Lung Cancer”. Medline Plus, 25 Oct Web. 3 Nov “Lung Cancer”. National Career Institute, Web. 3 Nov “Lung Surgery for Lung Cancer”. Healthwise, 27, May Web. 3 Nov “Melissa Crouse’s Story of Strength”. National Lung Cancer Partnership, Web. 3, Nov “Skin Cancer”. Medline Plus, 11 Oct Web. 3 Nov “What is Lung Cancer?” Medical News Today, 14 Aug Web. 3 Nov