2nd Sunday of Advent
Advent means ‘the coming’ of something. Christians have FOUR Sundays to get ready to celebrate Jesus’ birth. Last week we lit our first candle; the candle of Hope and we remembered the hope that we have in Jesus
Today we are going to light the candle of Peace As we light this candle we celebrate the peace that we find in Jesus.
HE IS COMING INDEED, ALLELUIA! Alleluia, Alleluia Christ is coming. HE IS COMING INDEED, ALLELUIA! And so we gather, +In the name of the Father…
Silent night, holy night All is calm, all is bright Round the Virgin Mother and Child Holy Infant so tender and mild Sleep in heavenly peace Sleep in heavenly peace Silent night, holy night! Shepherds quake at the sight Glories stream from heaven afar Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia! Christ, the Saviour is born Christ, the Saviour is born Silent night, holy night Son of God, love's pure light Radiant beams from your holy face With the dawn of redeeming grace Jesus, Lord, at your birth Jesus, Lord, at your birth
Opening Prayer God, you saved the world from sin by sending Jesus to be our Saviour. We are ready to receive the Son of God into our lives. AMEN
You bring us together to pray in one loving family. Lord have mercy You came to proclaim the Good News to the world. Christ have mercy Christ, have mercy. You came to lead us away from sin. Lord have mercy
Alleluia, Alleluia,
A reading from the Holy Gospel according to St. Matthew Glory to you, oh Lord This is the Gospel of the Lord Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ
Alleluia, Alleluia,
Time to reflect on what we have heard in our Gospel today. I wonder what you heard in the Gospel today? Why do we need to turn away from sin? How can we ask God’s forgiveness?
Ritual Response We would like a member of each class to collect a Christmas bauble to hang on your classroom Christmas tree. On the baubles are qualities and values that lead us closer to God.
We pray that people everywhere will follow a straight and loving As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly father. The response is sung: Lord hear our prayer We pray that people everywhere will follow a straight and loving path through life. Lord hear our prayer That with our help the homeless and hungry receive shelter and food they need. Lord hear our prayer That we share the joy of Gods love with everyone we meet. Lord hear our prayer That we may prepare a welcome for Christ in our hearts and our homes. Lord hear our prayer. Knowing that our heavenly fathers are listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him.
Let us pray together. Loving Father, Hear our prayer and guide us along the straight paths which lead us to you. We ask this Christ your Son. Amen
We three kings of Orient are Bearing gifts we traverse afar Field and fountain, moor and mountain Following yonder star O Star of wonder, star of night Star with royal beauty bright Westward leading, still proceeding Guide us to thy Perfect Light Born a King on Bethlehem's plain Gold I bring to crown Him again King forever, ceasing never Over us all to reign O Star of wonder, star of night Star with royal beauty bright Westward leading, still proceeding Guide us to Thy perfect light Frankincense to offer have I Incense owns a Deity nigh Prayer and praising, all men raising Worship Him, God most high O Star of wonder, star of night Star with royal beauty bright Westward leading, still proceeding Guide us to Thy perfect light Myrrh is mine, its bitter perfume Breathes of life of gathering gloom Sorrowing, sighing, bleeding, dying Sealed in the stone-cold tomb O Star of wonder, star of night Star with royal beauty bright Westward leading, still proceeding Guide us to Thy perfect light Glorious now behold Him arise King and God and Sacrifice Alleluia, Alleluia Earth to heav'n replies O Star of wonder, star of night Star with royal beauty bright Westward leading, still proceeding Guide us to Thy perfect light