2 VIA Long Range Plan Vision for High-Capacity Transit across VIA service area by 2035 From extensive public and stakeholder input Prioritization of capital projects First phase includes nearly $350 million in capital investments
3 City of San Antonio Plans Comprehensive Plan Provide policy guidance in several areas including Transportation, Housing, Jobs, Growth, & Urban Form Include public engagement and inter- agency coordination to build consensus Transportation Plan Update City’s Major Thoroughfare Plan Provide analysis and recommendations for a project prioritization system Coordinate closely with VIA’s 2040 Long Range Plan update
4 VIA 2040 Plan Update Update to 2035 Long Range Plan Analyze expanded study area Consider bus and rail solutions for VIA service and ATD infrastructure Identify needs for pedestrian comfort and safety related to transit investments Include recommendations for Policy reforms that help VIA provide efficient services for the transportation needs of our citizens across the region
5 A Common Thread consists of land uses that support – economically and socially – the effective use of transit supports transit usage, walkability and compact development forms and help to maximize exchange and activity within station areas and corridors works to provide residents and workers a range of mobility choices provides access to daily needs, commercial services, and recreational opportunities excerpt Transit Supportive Land Use...
6 Transit Supportive Land Use (TSLU)
7 Connecting Centers with Transit Region Preparing for 1 million new residents and 500,000 jobs by 2040 Regional Activity Centers Concentrated Job Growth Higher Density Population High-Capacity Transit Alternative for moving about the Region Stations Portal between Transit and Land Use
8 Transit Station Areas
9 Planning in Station Areas Determine Station Area Typology and associated land use patterns necessary to accompany that Level of Transit Service Assist local governments in developing specific strategies that consider market forces and engage the private sector to set realistic expectations for development within the transit area of influence
10 (Westside Multimodal) (Brooks Transit Center) (Babcock Primo Station) (Five Points) (Ingram Transit Center) (University Park & Ride) (Primo/Streetcar Stops)
11 (Brooks Transit Center) Station Area Plan Example
12 Typical Multi-Family Moderate Density High Parking Ratio Auto-Centric Some Transit ServiceConventional Current Development Moderate-High Density High Parking Ratio Auto-Centric High Transit Service Transit Adjacent Mixed-Use Development Higher Density Lower Parking Ratio Pedestrian-Centric High-Capacity Transit Transit Supportive Value of TSLU
13 Value of TSLU
COSA UDC Updates Transit facilities : permit by right in appropriate districts Ped connectivity : Include in purpose and intent language for appropriate districts Traffic Impact Assessments : Uniform requirements, mitigation guidance, account for transit Parking : Allow shared parking, set maximums and reduce minimums in transit areas COSA Comp Plan Process Codify station area typology – associate zoning districts with typologies Design - Revise setbacks, streetscape guidelines in transit districts Density - Increase in corridors/ station areas as appropriate Mixed use - Ensure allowed in corridors/station areas where appropriate Moving Forward
15 Moving Forward Continue working with City of San Antonio on implementation of Transit Supportive Land Use policy changes throughout Comprehensive Plan process Coordinate development of VIA 2040 Long Range Plan update with City of San Antonio Strategic Multi-Modal Transportation Plan Work with suburban municipalities and other stakeholders in implementing Transit Supportive policies
16 Investing in Our Community Up front investment is nominal compared to the return... Coordinate priorities for targeted multi-agency investments that accomplish more for less Set clear and understandable expectations for private-sector investments with a higher benefit to the community Higher value investments translate into higher public revenue Increased competitiveness for Federal funding with coordinated approach to projects and transit-supportive policies