Support and communication with the family
Introduction The palliative approach What has been your experience utilising the palliative approach?
Aims of this presentation What is a family Cultural considerations The importance of communication Communication strategies Support structures for the family The importance of family in the palliative approach Barriers to effective communication
Module 1 What is family?
What is family? Defining family As a group develop a definition of family
What is family Consider a resident within your care. Who would they identify as family? What would you consider to be their family’s needs?
What is family ‘Family is who the patient says it is’
Module 2 Cultural considerations
Cultural considerations The Guidelines identify 25% of permanent residents of RACF were born overseas
How is culture identified in your facility? Consider residents you have cared for who were from a different culture to your own. Identify the challenges to you, your facility, the resident and their family
Cultural safety Write down actions that you consider could diminish or disempower the cultural identify and wellbeing of a resident and their family. Identify how you could avoid, or at least minimise these practices.
Module 3 Communicating with the family
Communicating with the family Identify why it is important to communicate with the family
Documenting family relationships What is the importance of documenting family relationships?
Documenting family relationships The genogram and ecomap
Why is support of the family important? At the completion of the exercise ask participants how they felt playing their particular role. Refer to the learning package and discuss how an ecomap can be used by the care team.
Barriers to communicating with the family Discuss with participants barriers to communicating with the family
Module 4 Family support strategies
Family support strategies Involving the family in decision making Why is this important?
Family support strategies Discuss how a family would be supported in your facility. Identify barriers to providing effective support
Advantages in involving the family in care and decision making Trust Recognition A positive partnership Coping with separation Any issues around dissatisfaction with care can be addressed Reduced complex grief reactions
Involving the family Identify strategies for involving the family