How do I get started?
Many factors will dictate the formation of a BAB. You will either be creating one from the ground up or becoming the leader of an existing BAB. There are a few guidelines that I believe are important in developing and maintaining any BAB regardless of name, age, or location. These recommendations are as follows: Many factors will dictate the formation of a BAB. You will either be creating one from the ground up or becoming the leader of an existing BAB. There are a few guidelines that I believe are important in developing and maintaining any BAB regardless of name, age, or location. These recommendations are as follows:
I use Business Advisory Board but titles may differ from school to school or even among districts or states. Other titles I have heard are Business Alliance Boards Business Councils Business Advisory Committee
Who and how many? Identifying Stakeholders How many? The numbers game Why should they join? Finding the right fit Who and how many? Identifying Stakeholders How many? The numbers game Why should they join? Finding the right fit
Recruiting and choosing members for your BAB is like planning an office party. Number 1 – always invite the BOSS and go from there. Examples: Principal, Area Superintendent, University/College Representative, New Schools Representative and others particular to your situation and who have been involved in forming and sustaining your school. The others I like to call Stakeholders.
Stakeholders…those with a stake in your school program and the community Individuals or businesses with ties to the school, Alumni, Parents, local businesses that provide services to the students and their families Local businesses with an employment need. Look for ways to support businesses that need employees with specific skills and involve them Large businesses that may not be local but who may have regional representatives The intangibles…those who care, are passionate about your schools and those willing to make a commitment on some level for altruistic reasons. Stay away from those who simply wish to sell
This number may differ depending on your particular situation. I suggest 12 – 18 core members. Keep the number manageable for your purposes. Be creative with large groups Example: If you do end up with a large group PAIDAI style interaction can work. Socratic Seminars it works well and is novel to Many of your participants.
This may be a good idea for spirits and baseball, but not so much for a BAB. Marketing is necessary and finding individuals that are the right fit for your board It does take some work to identify the needs of your school and the community around you in order to provide recruiting guidance.
Recruit with symbiosis in mind. Time is money to a business and they look at involvement from the business lens ROI – Return on Investment Perform a needs assessment of the school and stakeholders Provide examples of involvement that show that BAB members are there not only to give but to gain.
Be cognizant of many factors that have influence on the formation of BAB. These include the community in which you live, the economic climate, location of colleges, universities and industry, prior relationships and many more. Take your time and do our market -research, it will pay off just as it does in business and industry.
Produce a Mission, Vision and Succinct Goals This is of utmost importance. As educators we always provide our students with a learning goal or the goal for the day, we must do the same for our BAB. Keep meetings manageably brief and active. Have returns each meeting and even assignments for board members. Example: Provide the names and contacts of 5 individuals who we may recruit for an event, Complete a survey, Report Committee minutes
Think of yourself as the Captain of a Ship. Practice shared leadership by providing opportunities for individuals to utilize their strengths and talents to further the goals of the board. Ensure that the board meetings are working meetings not arenas for complaint or grandstanding. Always be forthright and honest, yet diplomatic – no barking! Always make sure your crew is taken care of and never abandon your ship! BAB are always salvageable. It takes take time for change to happen, but be patient. No mutiny – that never works well.
Delegate Remember that you are relying on adults who have talents and skills worthy of their positions in business, government or education. The BAB members must take ownership of committees and events, and we must allow them to spread their wings and fly! Step into the business shoes
Invite the BAB members to some events that don’t ask them for anything but to be an audience, include them in the school’s events Shakespearean Festival. We invited key stakeholders last year, including the Business Advisory Committee members. Field day Science Fair Presentations for our Job Shadow Art/Science