{ El Dorado County Charter SELPA April 15, 2015 Community Advisory Committee (CAC)
If you would like to ask questions or provide comments, please type into the question box. Communicating during the meeting
Call to order Kathleen Kendall and Janelle Mercado, SELPA Program Specialists, will facilitate the meeting and take notes Information on communicating through GoTo Webinar Introduction of Board Members Chairperson…………… Olga Brick, Clayton Valley Charter High School Vice Chairperson…………… Melissa Greycar, Livermore Valley Charter School Secretary/Treasurer…………….. Vacant Community Representative…… Vielka Arreola, Business Meeting
Business Meeting Agenda: Approval of Business Meeting Agenda Approval of Minutes of Meetings held October 22, 2014 and January 14, 2015 Appoint Secretary/Treasurer position Legislative Information Sharing Day Local Plan Special Education Task Force Future CAC Meeting Dates Smarter Balanced Assessment Resources for Parents Presentation: Homework Strategies for Parents, Part I Closing Business Meeting
Secretary/Treasurer- vacant Appoint CAC Officer
Wednesday, April 29 th, 2015, Sacramento Meetings with local legislators Melissa Graycar and Vielka Arreola attending Talking points around important special education legislation Legislative Information Sharing Day
People-First Language Ensure Early Education Programs are Inclusive Improve the Quality of Assessment and Instruction Expand Funding for Alternative Dispute Resolution Reform the California Children’s Services Program Access to Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment funds for Mental Health Services Protect Special Education Funding Legislative Information Sharing Day Priorities
New schools for Special meeting May 4 th, 2:00 pm Conference call information El Dorado County Charter SELPA Local Plan Update
special-education-task-force/ special-education-task-force/ special-education-task-force/ Special Education Task Force
Early Learning Evidence- Based Practices Educator Preparation and Professional Learning Assessment Accountability Family and Student Engagement Finance Special Education Task Force Recommendations Summary: websites.s3.amazonaws.com/sites/52381b4f1defc52c /content_entry defc53d8c00403a/5 52c14f13e5ac19bf9002ce0/files/Special_Education_Task_Force_Recommendations.pdf websites.s3.amazonaws.com/sites/52381b4f1defc52c /content_entry defc53d8c00403a/5 52c14f13e5ac19bf9002ce0/files/Special_Education_Task_Force_Recommendations.pdf Special Education Task Force Recommendations
Smarter Balanced Assessment Resources for Parents Parents & Students The Smarter Balanced Assessment System will give parents and students more accurate and actionable information about what students are learning. Because these assessments are computer adaptive, they will also provide better information about the needs and successes of individual students.computer adaptive
Presentation: Homework Strategies for Parents, Part 1
Next Meeting Date: Wednesday October 14th, :30—5:30 pm Wednesday January 20 th, :30-5:30 Wednesday April 13 th, :30-5:30 Closing Comments