Welcome to Animal Behaviour BIOL 3100
Contact info Dr. Matt Reudink Office: S350 * to set up appointment or just drop * policy – I try to respond to all s within 24 hours, however, I do not respond to s on nights or weekends *Cell phones
Course Setup Monday: Lecture Wednesday: Lecture Friday: Paper presentation and discussion
Objectives Why do animals behave as they do?
Objectives Why do animals behave as they do? -Investigate proximate and ultimate causes -Investigate the adaptive evolution of behaviour -Explore different methods and techniques to answer questions about animal behaviour
Course Website Password: oriole
Course Marks 40% - lab 20% - midterm 30% - final 8% - discussion presentation, summary, and Qs 2% - reading notes
Paper Notes For each paper discussed in class, all students will be required to turn in notes taken on the paper at the end of class. Notes can be hand-written, typed, or scribbled on a printed copy of the paper. 2% total
Paper Presentation and Discussion min group PPT1) 2)Small group discussions 3)Paper Summary (500 words) 4)Written out answers to discussion questions 8% total
Volunteers for next week? Note: Papers are placeholders, I much prefer you choose an alternative paper that you and your group are interested in that fits the week’s topic. I need to post by Monday of the week you present (and run it by me first!)