Strategic Plan Update November 2005
Purdue Calumet Strategic Vision Student Success Retain and graduate more students Grow enrollments to 10,500 Preferred for the Quality of our Programs Beyond convenience Economic Development Place the resources of the university at the service of regional economic development
Goal 1 Purdue University Calumet will expand access to student learning and improve the level of student success. Targets Retention rate: 72% Fall 2003 (62%) Fall 2004 (64%) 6 year graduation rate: 32% Fall 2003 (21%) Fall 2004 (22%)
Trend in Fall Billing Hours Production
Credit Hours/Billing Hours Converging
Goal 1: Progress Student Success Network PUC 101 1,530 students (for Fall 2004) 98% satisfaction Parent participation Academic Renewal Program 737 of 1,210 students on probation reenrolled Special orientation Learning Strategies course Early warning system
Goal 1: Progress Scholarships and Student Employment Best and Brightest Scholarships : : 200 additional Retention (F to S) 89% Student Employment 489 students employed (goal:500) Average wage: $7.25-$7.50/hr.
Goal 1: Progress Student Life Programs 362 programs/13,000 participants Intramurals: 24 leagues/834 participants Peregrines brand introduced (Fall 04) Student lounge space renovated (Jan 05) Student government reconstituted (April 05)
Goal 1: Progress Residential Life Open Fall residents/8 resident assistants 40 beds for short-term programs 83% occupancy
Goal 1: Future: Complete housing lease ups Grow enrollments to 9,500 Expand “Best and Brightest” scholarships Expand student life programs
Goal 2 Purdue University Calumet will promote and support excellence of faculty and staff.
Goal 2: Progress Center for Professional Development Center for Instructional Excellence Lunch lecture series: 12 programs/average participation:24 Mentoring program Director appointed: Dr. Lee Artz
Goal 2: Progress Grants and Contracts Awards: $5,046,110 Academic Affairs funding +20% 81 proposals submitted proposals funded +12
Goal 2: Progress Achieve competitive salaries (Mean for benchmark institutions) Faculty salaries: 88% of peer mean (losing ground; 91% in 2003) Staff salaries: 97% of comparison group (up from 95% in 2003)
Goal 2: Progress Achieve competitive salaries Added.5% for EMME in Established (5) endowed professorships through Lilly program
Goal 2: Progress Increase full-time faculty Conversion of 20 continuous lecturer positions 17 new hires to date Tenure track faculty: 62% Fall 2005 Up from 58%
Goal 2: Future: Continuation of new faculty hiring Implement staff development program Transition faculty development from voluntary program to systemic program Expand grants and contracts efforts
Goal 3 Purdue University Calumet will support a high performance work and learning environment.
Goal 3: Progress Strengthen technology infrastructure Wireless network on campus 5 locations installed High speed computing grid Funded for Adoption of web-based learning systems (wbls) 65% of students enrolled in at least one “wbls” course 22% of students enrolled in at least one distance course OnePurdue
Goal 3: Progress Academic Learning Center Open Fall ,064 students 1,463 registrations 39% new to PUC 69 courses Collaboration with IUN 6 courses
Goal 3: Future: Continue to seek approval for Emerging Technologies Tower Begin phased Gyte renovations Expand use of wireless connections, web-based learning software, smart classrooms Implementation of OnePurdue
Goal 4 Purdue University Calumet will expand its role as a vital partner for positive change and economic growth in northwest Indiana
Goal 4: Progress Technology and Business Center Purdue Northwest Indiana Technology Park Clients: 9committed 2 related tenants TAP program office Director: Hired John Hanak Management: Transition under discussion
Goal 4: Progress Expand program advisory boards Advisory boards increased from 8 to 20 Board membership increased from 143 to 249 Program boards in Management, Education and Gerontology inactive; to be reconstituted
Goal 4: Progress New program creation: Centers and Institutes Water Institute Center for Energy Efficiency and Reliability Center for Minorities and Women in Construction Center for Education in Science and Technology NWI Center for Evidence-based Nursing Practice
Goal 4: Progress Increase Internships Baseline of 1260 internships per year : 1,482 internships 17.6% increase
Goal 4: Future: Expand Centers/Institutes activities Develop plan for Tech Center transfer to PUC Develop plan to make experiential learning part of every program curriculum
GoalYears RecurringNon- Recurring Total 1: Student Success $3,722,553$1,397,822$5,120,375 2: Faculty/Staff Development $2,012,450$2.012,450 3: High Performance Learning Environment $416,536$1,785,097$2,021,633 4: Partners for Economic Development $1,007,620$1,040,027$2,047,647 Total$7,159,159$4,222,946$11,382,105 Strategic Allocations
Challenges Faculty/staff salaries Enrollment management Continue growth to 10,500 Ground actions in institutional research Maintain access and diversity while improving quality Campus response to residential life International Students
Opportunity Good to Great Tier 4 to Tier 3 Experiential Learning as a curricular component in all programs for all students