Brisbane City Council – New City Plan 2014 Craig Christie
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What we will cover Who is Craig Christie and ASI Planning? What is Town Planning? The new Brisbane City Plan 2014
NEW Brisbane City Plan 2014 Why a new Planning Scheme Status of new Planning Scheme Preview of the new Interactive Mapping and Planning Scheme General Comments
Why a new Planning Scheme? The new City Plan is a requirement of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 All QLD Council’s will be going through new planning schemes All Schemes should be somewhat alike
Some Facts Brisbane is fastest growing region in Australia 1.27million will live in BCC in 2031 In 2031 Council estimates 40% more homes then 2006 with 90% of these houses being infill development ‘Build Up - Not Out’
Brisbane City Plan 2014 came into force on the 30 th June 2014 Brisbane City Plan 2000 Superseded Planning Scheme Applications for 12 months
Status of New Planning Scheme
Preview of new Mapping and Planning Scheme - Online
General Comments 1.Potential for smaller lots in certain areas 2.No such thing as Notifiable Code Assessment 3.Levels of Assessment are generally Code Assessment with exceptions due to building height 4.Far more complicated in checking level of assessment 5.Numerous Overlays that will create complexity and confusion and reduce development potential of sites
General Comments 1.Highly interactive which has many benefits 2.Very (extremely) useful mapping tool 3.Lots of changes to Small Lot Code (generally easier to renovate small lot houses) 4.Lots of Changes to Multi Unit Dwelling Code and far more complex generally resulting in lower yields
Lets Raise Money for Mothers Milk Bank 1 Day Property Development Program that will cover; 1.Get clarity of what’s stopping you achieve the results that you think you should be – think like a developer 2.Subdivision Master Class 3.Multiple Dwelling Unit Master Class 4.How to Use Council’s Planning Tools 5.A real did that I did which made $180k in profit with land I did not own and using none of my own money 6.We will look for development sites!! 7.Be amongst other property developers 8.Raise money for a good cause – tax deductible
Lets Raise Money for Mothers Milk Bank Saturday 11 th October am – 5pm Donation to mothers milk bank – tax deductible Venue: To be confirmed (Brisbane)
Thank You