Help You Choose For Parents and Carers
Student Choices at 13 or 14 In Year 8 or 9 students need to make decisions about some of the courses and qualifications that they will study in Years 10 and 11 What they choose now may affect their options at 16 and beyond
Student Choices at 16 Continue education at Sixth Form or College Learn and earn at the same time through an Apprenticeship Employment with Accredited Training Volunteering plus part-time study or training
Choices at 16 – What to Study If students decide to stay in education they will need to make decisions on: –What subjects to study –What qualifications to aim for –Where to study Students need to think ahead! ‘What do you want to do at age 18?’
What is Help You Choose? Norfolk’s careers information, advice and opportunities website for young people, parents and carers Prospectus of courses, training and jobs in Norfolk Prepare and submit online applications Information and advice on choosing options The website address is:
The Help You Choose Homepage
How to Search Click the 6 th Form & College Courses Button
How to Search Use the search options to find the specific courses you want
Click a course to find out more about it. Search Results
My Account All students have a ‘My Account’ area in Help You Choose where they can: Complete information which will then pre-fill their online application forms Complete the ‘My Career Plan’ to help them achieve their career goals Check the Status of their applications
Applying Online All students should apply online on Help You Choose for post 16 courses. If they have completed ‘My Account’ they will have a few additional questions to complete on their form.
Why Apply Online? All the learning options are all in one place Young people can apply to multiple providers using just one form They will receive s to keep them up-to- date with the progress of their applications
What Happens After Applying? 1.The student gets an Receipt to confirm their application’s been sent 2.They’ll then get an Acknowledgement from each sixth form and college when they start processing the application 3.Some sixth forms and colleges then contact the student to arrange an Advice Interview
Help You Choose ‘Info & Advice’ If your children are unsure about what to do next or need more information on their options, make sure you visit the Info & Advice section of Help You Choose. There you can find out more about: –Qualifications –Training options –Careers –Jobseeking –Higher Education –Financial help
Info & Advice
Kudos Kudos is an online quiz that helps young people explore their career ideas. Kudos can be accessed by young people from the link on the homepage of Help You Choose.
Apprenticeships Norfolk If your child is interested in an Apprenticeship they should go to for information. This will direct them to the Apprenticeships, Jobs & Training Section on Help You Choose as well as to the National Apprenticeships website.
National Apprenticeships Website Young people can register for apprenticeship vacancies at
Where to get Support Careers teachers or subject teachers Form or year tutors Staff at the college or sixth form your child wants to go to Staff at training providers who organise work-based learning including apprenticeships Your child’s mentor Guidance/Careers Adviser
National Careers Service The National Careers Service provides information, advice and guidance to help with making decisions on learning, training and work opportunities The service offers confidential, helpful and impartial advice, supported by qualified careers advisers The website can be accessed from the homepage of Help You Choose
National Careers Service Homepage
Year 8s & 9s – Things to Do Use the careers resources at school to find out more about their career ideas Look at the Help You Choose website and other websites to get useful information and ideas Read the information from school about options Understand what subjects they have to do in Years 10 and 11 at school Know what optional subjects they can do at school Talk choices over with them and with their teachers
Year 11s – What to Do in Autumn Term Look at Help You Choose and complete ‘My Account’ Shortlist courses Go to Open Days and Events Check if they can get financial help while they study Check when the application needs to be done by Think about a back up plan Complete an online application form on Help You Choose and send it off
Help You Choose Helpdesk (option 2) If you have a question about the Help You Choose website you can contact the helpdesk: