Brussels, 27 February 2013 International Conference WEEE Collection Targets Visions and Proposals from the Specialised Retailers of Electronic Products Davide Rossi Director General AIRES Associazione Italiana Retailers Elettrodomestici Specializzati
8 Companies / Groups € 9,6 MLD Total Turnover in 2012 (-5% vs 2011 and -13% vs 2010) Shops F.T.E. Jobs 2,3 MIO Pieces of WEEE collected from consumers in 2012
KEY POINTS FOR RETAILERS MANDATORY COLLECTION on 0:1 basis Retail Shops over 400 mq, today are due to receive and collect on 1:1 basis, when the new Directive will be implemented on 0:1 basis will be mandatory for all WEEE smaller than 25 cm per side. Such provision could not enter into effect «in case it will be evaluated that alternative collection systems will be as effective as this» COSTS AND FINANCING Member States must grant “… to consumers and to distributors to deliver at least free of any costs such WEEE» they can « encourage producers to finance also costes connected to household collection». NEW COLLECTION TARGETS It will be mandatory for MS to reach the target of 85% collection on generated WEEE. In other words, within 2019 the collection must be over 17 KGs per capita. WEEE Recycling FEE The new Directive allows MS to create and/or confirm such fee wich is used solely to finance consortium operations. Trerefore the total amount of fees collected must not be higher than the costs really generated by the system.
MANDATORY COLLECTION on 0:1 basis New Directive (Whereas 14) establishes that shops collecting WEEE on 0:1 basis should not be submitted to genaral formalities for registration and authorization requested to handle waste (as per D. 2008/98/CE). COSTS AND FINANCING In order to encourage household collection is, at least, fundamental to reimburse retailers for the costs of primary logistics. Retailers are presently obliged to be part of collection activities without being granted by law any compensation. NEW COLLECTION TARGETS Very ambitious. Only possible with strong involvement of distribution and proper and clear legal framework about on-line sales of EEE. WEEE Recycling FEE This aspect must be very carefully considered from all perspectives. Cannot be transformed into an additional tax without clear functions, targets and controls. WHICH DIRECTION
THE NEED FOR A RADICAL CHANGE OPEN ISSUES TODAY The system is not financing household collection. Costs for retailers are, in any case, too heavy. The WEEE consortiums (created by EEE producers) are financed by consumers for the collection from distributors and from ecological platforms. The collected WEEE are subsequently delivered to final treatment. Whole system is therefore remarkably asimmetric. Producers have committments but also many possible actions and leverage to increase their level of performance and create value/savings. Distributors are only obliged to give execution to laws and rules decided by others. The Program Protocol between CDC RAEE, ANCI and Distribution is the best possibile instrument that given the starting conditions but a complete change of perspective must be enhanced.
Immediate reaction to problem of WEEE collection decrease (in the official network) : a real co-operative and synergic scenario must be created among all stakeholders. Nobody must have the impression to be abused. Household collection must be financed (through reimbursement to retailers working in «1vs 1» mode. Incentives must be put in place to operators in order to encourage the development of the «official» WEEE network. Law and Rules must be deeply simplified. CDC RAEE (the body for the co-ordination of the WEEE handling) must be open to representatives of EEE Distribution and Retail. WHERE TO CHANGE WHAT WE NEED
1.Extensive, creative and inclusive teamwork to use at the best the opportunities offered by the New Directive IF THE SYSTEM WILL NOT BE DESIGNED IN AN INCLUSIVE PERSPECTIVE THE PRESENT PROBLEMS WILL HEAVILY INCREASED 2.Creation of a negotiated and trasparent roadmap with identified pivots (Associations, Public Bodies, Independent Institutes) to work together in the interest of the environment and consumer THE TOTAL EFFICIENCY AND EFFECTIVNESS OF THE OFFICIAL SYSTEM MUST BE THE BEST GUARANTEE THAT NO OTHER LEGAL - OPTION WILL BE POSSIBLE EXPECTATIONS AND PROPOSALS
Thanks for your attention. Davide Rossi Director General AIRES (+39)