Region 10 Mini Conference Math Games 3-5 Region 10 Mini Conference
set of Array Cards, recording sheet, construction paper Small Array/Big Array set of Array Cards, recording sheet, construction paper Deal out 10 array cards to each player or team, spread them out, factor side up On construction paper, spread out 6 more Array cards, factor side up. These are on the center cards. Place the remaining cards in a pile to one side Players take turns matching small arrays to big arrays. MATCHING means that both arrays have one dimension that is the same The goal is to make a complete match by covering a big array with a combination of 2 or 3 smaller arrays Refer to instruction sheet for more detailed instructions Promote that they write equations to record the completed match, using parentheses to show the smaller arrays Allow time for participants to play a few rounds What is the big mathematical idea in this game? What other math does this game promote?
Games can provide an atmosphere where children are encouraged to Share their ideas with others Think, discuss, and explain Be alert, interested, curious, and challenged Come up with interesting ideas, problems, and questions Have confidence in their abilities to figure out things for themselves Speak their minds with confidence Work cooperatively Give and take praise and criticism Instruct others Accept success and failure in the presence of peers and adults Develop initiative, interest, curiosity, resourcefulness, independence, and responsibility.
Focus Points Read the focus points for your grade level Discuss the Mathematical Big Ideas at each grade level with your group Allow participants to read the critical focus points for the grade level they teach. Have them discuss the big ideas in math at their grade level.
The Three - P’s Plan Play Please be patient PLAN: How will you introduce the game to your class? 2 students demonstrate while you explain or you will play with one other student or you can play against the whole class How much time will you devote to playing the game? How will you pair students or form small groups? ------ Research states that students who use less sophisticated strategies should be partnered with students who use slightly more mature strategies but not with the most abstract thinkers As students become more familiar with the game, they will spend less time on learning the rules and more time EXPLORING MATHEMATICAL IDEAS PLAY: play the game yourself to familiarize yourself with the rules possible discuss the mathematical ideas embedded in the game and how these ideas may emerge during play anticipate some possible responses or strategies that your students may use while playing the game from your list of anticipated responses, you can create a list of questions that you can ask to probe your students’ thinking While students are playing ask the probing questions and listen to students responses. Rather than restate a student’s strategy, ask his partner to explain it Record the different strategies that students use and plan the class discussion BE PATIENT provide repeated opportunities for you students to play the game, and let the mathematical ideas emerge as they notice new patterns, relationships, and strategies YOUR PATIENCE empowers students to independently explore mathematical ideas and create conceptual understanding
Pattern Blocks, Hexagon Cookies, fraction number cubes Fraction Cookies Pattern Blocks, Hexagon Cookies, fraction number cubes Each player rolls two fraction number cubes Add the two amounts and collect that number in pattern blocks Continue to trade so that you always have the fewest pieces possible at the end of your turn. Play until players have filled up one sheet. Third Grade Game In looking at the 3-5 ACOS, what grade level would this game be appropriate for?
2 dice, game board, expo marker Multiples of 4 Pathway 2 dice, game board, expo marker Each player rolls two dice Add the two amounts and multiply that number by 4 to get the product Select the product from any row on the game board and circle it. The first player to connect a path from the start row to the finish row wins. Fourth Grade Game In looking at the 3-5 ACOS, what grade level would this game be appropriate for?
Number puzzles, 300 chart, expo marker Each participant takes a number puzzle Read each puzzle clue to the group As a group, determine which clue to start with Continue the clues until your number(s) has been determine by the group. Fifth Grade Game Model the game using the sample number puzzles on the next slide. Allow time for participants to play game In looking at the 3-5 ACOS, what grade level would this game be appropriate for?
Game Board for Product Game for use with factors 1-9 Product game as provided in the article in your participant packet along with a game board for 0-6 factors.