Purchasing Group Buying Clubs By: Sara Sack, Ph.D. Assistive Technology for Kansans (316)
The Buying Club Model. Consumers form groups to purchase goods in bulk in order to save money. Advantages: Doesn’t take much capitol to start. Can result in considerable cost savings. Disadvantages: Does not work well for customized equipment. Hard to find enough people wanting to purchase equipment.
Retail Storefront Model: Generally used by food cooperatives.
Mail-Order Catalog Business: Very similar to buying club model. Best suited to low-tech supplies, software and items that are not customized.
IDENTIFYING STATES THAT HAVE COOPERATIVE BUYING PROGRAMS FOR AT Kansas currently has a limited group purchasing plan primarily for software and word processors MD, FL, WI PixWriter talking word processing program (regular price $180, buying program price $105 plus $5 shipping, Quicktionary Reading pen, WYNN Reading Software) Others?
KANSAS PLAN Working with consultant to develop cooperative, create business plan, and implement cooperative purchasing activities Working with consumers, consumer organizations, schools, and others to identify items to buy in bulk.