Ontario Museum Association 2009 Annual Conference Panel: Cultural “Greening” in the 21st Century – Institutional Case Study October 22, 2009 – 2:15 – 3:30pm 10 ideas in 10 slides -- Maria Piacente, Executive Vice-President, Exhibitions, Lord Cultural Resources
10 ideas in 10 slides -- #1 Envision it- seeing green: Commit to it, believe in it & strive for it. Being green = being socially-minded = relevance to institutional missions California Association of Museums, Green Museums Initiative Museums Association, UK, Green Museums Initiative Cultural greening recognizes the important role that cultural institutions can play in promoting ecologically, socially, and economically sustainable ways of living. It is both ideology & practice.
10 ideas in 10 slides -- #2 LEED when you can: Some cultural institutions have the institutional and public support to take on the higher costs of greening facilities. As with all technologies, the more mainstream they become, the lower the overall cost. Grand Rapids Art Museum, USA. Gold LEED certified art museum. Canadian War Museum, Gold LEED certified museum. Region of Waterloo History Museum, Upon completion in 2010, will be LEED (silver) certified.
10 ideas in 10 slides -- #3 Fundraising & Green promo: Integrate ‘green’ into fundraising activities. This makes your ecologically minded initiatives visible & could potentially Attract new donors or allies. Royal Ontario Museum, C5 restaurant Green Gastronomy Gardiner Museum, Annual Gala Dinner & Lecture From the Ground Up: Nurturing the Art of Sustainable Living
10 ideas in 10 slides -- #4 Strike up strategic alliances: When searching for grants or funding look beyond the usual suspects (cultural funders). What science or technology bodies could be potential funders/partners? Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art solar panel array. Funded by the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative’s Renewable Energy Trust.
10 ideas in 10 slides -- #5 Offer green incentives: Cultural greening is about changing people’s behaviour as much as our professional practices. Encourage visitors to practice sustainable living and purchasing, then reward them. Museum of Contemporary Art Denver, Green incentives. Toronto Transit Commission, Metropass Hot Dealz cultural attraction discounts.
10 ideas in 10 slides -- #6 Count on the little things: Redefine progress, focus on process. The little things can have big impacts. Being green means also redefining ‘progress’. Cultural institutions can excel at taking the time to build and nurture our communities. EcoHouse, Hamilton Heritage building and Environmental Education Centre.
10 ideas in 10 slides -- #7 Be a mobilizer of knowledge: Be a catalyst for advancing green knowledge. Organize a symposium, community working group, host a conference, research & disseminate! British Museum, U.K. Going Green: Towards sustainability in conservation Design Exchange & Ryerson University, Carrot City: Design for Urban Agriculture
10 ideas in 10 slides -- #8 Inspire others/inspire ourselves: Exhibitions are a great way to keep the momentum going, inspire new directions in the ecological debate, and maintain a critical edge to keep us on our toes. Barbican Centre, U.K. Going Green: Towards sustainability in conservation Massive Change Touring Exhibition, Going Green: Towards sustainability in conservation
10 ideas in 10 slides -- #9 Take a shot at social media: If mobilized thoughtfully, social media can be a cost effective way to innovate and collaborate with each other and the public. Ontario Science Centre, Red Shift Now website & Blog. Green Museums Wiki
10 ideas in 10 slides -- #10 Be an advocate: Going green is a real commitment. Cultural institutions are not neutral, but they are aspirational and can be progressive forces that provide real solutions for a sustainable future. Monterey Bay Aquarium, USA Sustainable Seafood Initiative Vancouver Aquarium, Ocean Wise Initiative
A few trends & challenges Trends: Use of social media to promote green initiatives and encourage participation. Esp. blogs. (for outward facing visitor use) and wiki & blogs to share knowledge amongst professionals. (ie- green museum wiki) Importance of collaboration with other ‘green’ institutions, funding bodies, and businesses. Green gifts in gift shops. Challenges: The challenge of collections care and greening facilities. The short-term costs of facility refurbishments. Integrating sustainable practices into all aspects of operations (exhibitions & conservation). Aligning green initiatives with institutional mandates. An all or nothing mentality. Half-hearted measures.