Horticulture 1 Plant ID Group 2
“Judas Tree” or Eastern Redbud Reddish purple buds; Rosy pink pea-like flowers in clusters early spring before leaves emerge; 2 to 3" brown seed pods in clusters Heart shaped leaves
‘Kwanzan’ Japanese Flowering Cherry ~ Upright; vase shaped to rounded tree ~ various shades of pink flowers ~ leaves have serrated edges
Dumbcane Large leaves growing from “canes” Poisonous leaves Leaves cause tongue and throat to swell and victim is “dumb” (can’t speak)
Peace Lily indoor foliage plants produce showy white flowers Stalk in the center of the flower grows natively in tropical areas
Flowering Crabapple Flowers pink or white in early spring Flowers have 5 petals Small reddish colored crabapples
Creeping Juniper Creeping juniper is an evergreen ground cover with soft, fine-textured needles Used as a ground cover as it grows horizontally
Shore Juniper upright growing evergreen Dwarf growing habit
Southern Magnolia Large glossy leaves Dark green on top and brown underneath Large flowers with red cone-shaped fruit
Horticulture 1 Group 2 Review
Eastern Redbud
Shore juniper
Peace Lily
Southern Magnolia
Flowering crabapple
Creeping juniper
Flowering cherry