Developing New Teachers
Goal: Develop Questioning Skills Research indicates that the most effective teachers ask questions of their students that lead to critical thinking. Perceived Low Achievers (PLA) are often not involved or ignored. Critical thinking skills are important in today’s economy Science, Technology, Engineering, and Manufacturing (STEM) fields, especially, require deeper thinking skills Common Core is built off of the STEM concept
Procedures: The teacher gives mentor a seating chart complete with student names before each activity. PLA’s are highlighted on the chart. Mentor will take seating chart to class and record a tally mark in each student’s desk when they are asked a question pertaining to that days activity. Obviously, a day with teacher/student interaction is required There is little to be gained by observing a class of students reading books Analyze results: Shade seats on chart where most questions were asked Compare these to PLA seats
New Teacher Growth Guide 1. Initial Observation 2. Targeting PLA’s 3. Use of Praise 4. Time to Respond 5. Follow-Up or Guiding Questions 6. Higher-Level Questioning
The Average Teacher: Asks questions of students in a “Reverse T” (shown as RED desks) They also tend to put “high achievers” in those seats. The perceived low achievers (PLAs) end up in the back corners. For this activity the teacher asks questions and the mentor charts who was called on. This is to establish for the teacher who was called on and who is not. The results of this first session are discussed and the second session is prepared. Teacher Desk
Involving PLA’s : Day 2 New Teacher should move questions around to include students who are seated away from the “T” including the PLA’s. PLAs can’t “hide” from a teacher who is everywhere ie., looking at shoes, doodling, sleeping, etc. Teacher can formatively monitor student work and progress as well Mentor teacher should mark locations on seating chart where “called on students” sit. Mark a “+” for these notations.
Use of Praise: Day 3 Teacher should respond quickly with appropriate levels of praise. Even a “wrong” answer can be praised for quality thinking A correct answer should be praised as such: “Yep” is poor praise Thorough and relevant praise is far more meaningful Mentor teacher should mark seating chart/student with a “+” when a teacher delivers appropriate praise.
Time to Respond: Day 4 Teacher should give adequate time for a student to respond to any question Research shows new teachers give higher achieving students more time to respond than PLAs. This is counterproductive, as a PLA might need more time to collect and organize thoughts A student sitting in silence for a moment is perfectly acceptable and leads to our next point. Mentor teacher should note this on the seating chart using a + again.
Delving Questions: Day 5 New Teacher should provide further information to guide the student toward the correct answer, without giving the correct answer. Rephrase Clues Ask similar questions Mentor teacher should mark this on the seating chart with a +.
Higher Level Questions: Day 6 Teacher should engage all students with higher-level thinking questions. Reciting or restating facts is simple, low-level thinking. Having students apply the knowledge in a different manner requires higher level thought. Bloom’s Taxonomy provides the following levels: Knowledge – Comprehension – Application – Analysis – Synthesis – Evaluation Mentor teacher should mark the use of higher level thinking questions with a + yet again.
Why the use of the +? Teachers view evaluation as a punitive exercise, this is a skill building activity that works on positive measurement. The use of a + symbol recognizes the positive experiences a new teacher provides students, emphasizing the opportunities for growth. This drives the focus of the evaluation process to improvement, rather than a punitive measure, which can lead to mistrust, fear, and resentment. Mentor teacher should focus on what the new teacher does well, and how to build from those positives.
Works Referenced Teacher Expectations and Student Achievement (TESSA), Phi Delta Kappa