Spiritual to scientific & natures law Research scientist in UK based “Centre of Human energy field research”
Mind Energy
Types of Mind Conscious-18% Conscious-18% Sub-conscious-80%---- Sub-conscious-80%---- Super conscious-2%--- Super conscious-2%---
Conscious-Mind Daily routine work. Daily routine work. Software of the brain. Software of the brain. Normal activities. Normal activities. Awareness. Awareness. Normal sense. Normal sense. New learning. New learning. Unprogrammed part of brain Unprogrammed part of brain
Sub-conscious Mind Hard disk of brain. Hard disk of brain. Past & present life deep experienced data storage. Past & present life deep experienced data storage. Old things learnt. Old things learnt. Unawareness. Unawareness. Things happen automatically. Things happen automatically. Programmed part of brain. Programmed part of brain. For activation/to sense requires intuition or clairvoyant viz., meditation. For activation/to sense requires intuition or clairvoyant viz., meditation.
Super conscious mind Called Internet connection of brain or sixth sense. Called Internet connection of brain or sixth sense. Unawareness. Unawareness. Works for few seconds or minutes. Works for few seconds or minutes. Inactivated part of brain. Inactivated part of brain. Meditation, spiritual guide/guru/exercise, spirit etc required to activate. Meditation, spiritual guide/guru/exercise, spirit etc required to activate. Can tell about anything. Can tell about anything. Temporary drains the person. Temporary drains the person.
System of mind In childhood 0-7yrs of age sub-conscious is more active than conscious, so many times they are not aware of what they are doing. In childhood 0-7yrs of age sub-conscious is more active than conscious, so many times they are not aware of what they are doing. 7-50yrs conscious mind is active. 7-50yrs conscious mind is active. 50-till death sub-conscious is active than conscious, so they remember old things well, but forget new things. 50-till death sub-conscious is active than conscious, so they remember old things well, but forget new things. Females have sub-conscious more active than conscious. Females have sub-conscious more active than conscious.
Right & left side of brain Right side is emotional part of brain. In children, native people, less educated & females its more active. Many times they are Religious. Right side is emotional part of brain. In children, native people, less educated & females its more active. Many times they are Religious. Left side is logical part of brain. In males, adult, educated & city peoples this is more active. Many times they are stubborn. Left side is logical part of brain. In males, adult, educated & city peoples this is more active. Many times they are stubborn.
How does mind work? Right from your childhood what ever our parents & we feed, creates deep impact in mind. So files are copied from conscious to sub-conscious mind. Right from your childhood what ever our parents & we feed, creates deep impact in mind. So files are copied from conscious to sub-conscious mind. Physical body accepts sub-conscious more than conscious commands, because conscious is unstable than sub-conscious mind. Physical body accepts sub-conscious more than conscious commands, because conscious is unstable than sub-conscious mind. So to change physical activities like blood pressure, sugar, cholesterol, hormones etc we have to change sub-conscious mind in future by conscious mind in present. So to change physical activities like blood pressure, sugar, cholesterol, hormones etc we have to change sub-conscious mind in future by conscious mind in present.
Mind is soul of the body? Brain is hardware but mind is software. Brain is hardware but mind is software. Again body is hardware, but mind is software. Again body is hardware, but mind is software. So mind is soul of the body, which has data stored even after death. So mind is soul of the body, which has data stored even after death. Medication & surgery can change the parameters of physical activities & not mind, which is main software. Medication & surgery can change the parameters of physical activities & not mind, which is main software.
Who can change mind? Meditation can change the mind. Meditation can change the mind. We can change the mind, by removing negative thoughts. We can change the mind, by removing negative thoughts. Positive affirmation can change the mind. Positive affirmation can change the mind. Self realization can change the mind. Self realization can change the mind. Yoga, reiki, religious kriya & spiritual procedures can change the mind. Yoga, reiki, religious kriya & spiritual procedures can change the mind. Re-programming the mind will change thought process & physical activities. Re-programming the mind will change thought process & physical activities.
General programming of mind Good Health Good Health Good Wealth Good Wealth Good Education- knowledge Good Education- knowledge Good Relation Good Relation Good Energy-power Good Energy-power Good Space-place. Good Space-place.
It means “What ever you throw in the universe, it will come back” “Which ever color you develop in your life, will feed you back”. So we are responsible for everything in life! Now to get better future, you have to make present better!!! Lets see how it is proved by spiritual science “AURA”.
How is AURA form Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits they become character; Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. At every step aura is form.
AURA ENERGYFIELD Layers of energy field
CHAKRAS Mantras of Chakras
Energy Centers Chakras & Endocrine System CrownCerebral Cortex Pituitary BrowHypothalamus Pineal ThroatCervical ganglia Thyroid HeartHeart Plexus Thymus SolarSolar Plexus Adrenals NavelSacral Pancreas BaseSacro-coccygeal Sex Orgs
Variety of Human Life Systems Lymphatic Muscular Endocrine Chakra Lymphatic Muscular Endocrine Chakra
Attraction of mind
Action of mind-maggi effect
Depressed & irritable child
Positive & negative thoughts
Junk Food effect
Milk & bakery food effect
Effect of Junk food on mind
Non vegetarian & smoking effect
Cold drink effect
Addiction effects
Gutka & tobacco effect
Now you choose your food
Better late than never
Choose to be happy or unhappy
Laws of Nature Think only positive. Think only positive. Create maximum positive energy. Create maximum positive energy. Make positive affirmation for every purpose of life & focus on aim. Make positive affirmation for every purpose of life & focus on aim. Work with quality, not quantity. Work with quality, not quantity. Respect others. Respect others. Eat maximum raw food. Eat maximum raw food. Save & organize time, money, knowledge, power, space & relation. Save & organize time, money, knowledge, power, space & relation.
How is it possible? Accept things as they are. Accept things as they are. Think & work unlimitedly. Think & work unlimitedly. Don’t underestimate self & others. Don’t underestimate self & others. To gain positive energy do meditation, mantra jaap, healing, practice graphology, spiritual procedures & crystals charging. To gain positive energy do meditation, mantra jaap, healing, practice graphology, spiritual procedures & crystals charging. Avoid milk-bakery products, oily-spicy food, preservatives, cold drinks & junk food. Avoid milk-bakery products, oily-spicy food, preservatives, cold drinks & junk food. Create positive Vaastu field/place. Create positive Vaastu field/place.
But why? To improve memory & concentration. To improve memory & concentration. To get individual positive identification. To get individual positive identification. To overcome competition. To overcome competition. To last long. To last long. To gain health, wealth, education, respect & prosperity. To gain health, wealth, education, respect & prosperity. To make future bright by making best present. To make future bright by making best present. To fulfill responsibilities & duties. To fulfill responsibilities & duties. To get rid of karmas. To get rid of karmas.
Thanks god & my parents!