PEACE, DEVELOPMENT & CONFLICT Command and General Staff College Armed Forces of the Philippines Class 59 2 June 2014 Mario Antonio G. Lopez Associate Professor ASIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT
What you ladies and gentlemen want to learn in today’s sessions?
ORIGINAL TOPICS Understanding Peace & Development Conflict Analysis & Resolution Multi-Stakeholder Engagement
Time allocated is unrealistic. Short enough for a quick tour, a “budget tour”, of a wide and deep area; settle for what we can cover. We will shuffle topic flow.
HOW DO YOU DEFINE PEACE? [Let us think a while…]
First… PEACE … That most desired state of affairs we find ourselves defining differently…
freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility. "you can while away an hour or two in peace and seclusion“ synonyms: Tranquility, Calm, Restfulness, Quiet freedom from or the cessation of war or violence. synonyms: Law & Order, lawfulness, harmony, non-violence SOME DEFINITIONS
HARMONY As popularly understood in Indonesia by the Javanese:: “The absence of conflict…” As understood by the Japanese: “The ability to work productively to achieve mutually desired results even in the presence of some conflict…”
“…mutually desired results…” The aim or aims of an agreed upon plan were to achieve results almost everyone, if not everyone, desired
Why has peace (and development) eluded us since 1946? In your opinion…
DEVELOPMENT : Social Development [Web definitions] …an alteration in the social order of a society. Social change may include changes in nature, social institutions, social behaviours, or social relations....
“Social development … a process that results in the transformation of social structures to improve the capacity of a society in order to fulfill its objectives. It aims specifically in developing power to elevate expansion of human activity.”
Why has not there been sustainable development since 1946? Again, in your opinion…
Gross Domestic Product, Usually Accepted Measure Definition: GDP, the market value of all goods and services produced by a country during in a year. Formula: GDP = consumption + investment + government spending + (exports - imports) Strength(s): GDP, good at measuring amount of market-recognized economic activity that takes place in a country.
GDP is silent on income, wealth distribution GDP does not account for black market nor recognizes non-monetary economy (e.g., housework, volunteering, etc.). GDP does not account for externalities - crime, separations, natural disasters; may even treat some as “gains” [deaths causes spending, which is measured as a positive]
GNP, Gross National Product, now called GNI [Gross National Product, Gross National Income] Consumption + Government Expenditures + Investments + Exports + Foreign Production by Philippine Companies – Domestic Production by Foreign Companies Currently very important to Philippines because of OFWs U$ 25 billions contribution to economy…
Mas madaling maalala… GNP = Gawa Dito sa Pilipinas GDP = Gawa Ng Pilipino (saan man sa mundo)
“Distinctions must be kept in mind between quantity and quality of growth, between its costs and return, and between the short and long run goals for more growth should specify more growth of what and for whom.” Simon Kuznets Nobel Prize in Economics, Creator of the GNP and GDP, warned against treating either as a gauge of progress.
Why have we had a series of growth spurts without jobs being generated and poverty being alleviated?
CONFLICT How would you define it?
“Conflicts are events that occur in situations where actors pursue goals that are fundamentally incompatible.”
Conflict is unavoidable Complexity of relationships Evolving interactions among actors Dependence of people on people
Causes of conflict Conflict of aims- different goals Conflict of ideas- different interpretations Conflict of attitudes - different opinions Conflict of behavior- different behaviors are unacceptable
Components of conflict o Context or situation o Actors o Goals actors wish to pursue o Some incompatibility in goals or in preferred means of achieving goals
Actors o Individuals o Groups (informal, formal) o Organizations o Communities (physical, virtual) o Nations o Alliances of nations
Conflict Process Antecedent conditions Perceived conflict Felt Conflict Manifest behavior Conflict Resolution or Suppression Resolution aftermath
Antecedent Conditions Scarce/Limited Resources Conflicting Frameworks, Attitudes Ambiguous Jurisdictions Communication Barriers No consensus Unresolved Prior Conflicts Knowledge of the Situations, the World Knowledge of Self, Others
Methods to deal with conflicts Competition (win-lose situation) Accommodation (win-win situation) Avoidance (lose-lose situation) Compromise (lose-lose situation) Collaboration (win-win situation)
Several ways of segmenting actors, stakeholders…
Universal Principles Limited, Parochial Principles Family, Tribe Clan Loyalties Global, Loyalties
Positivist, Scientific Approach Traditional Dogma Approach Communi- tarian Individualist
Strong Power Weak Power High Interest Low Interest Positively Disposed Negatively Disposed