Describe and Sort Two-Dimensional Shapes Unit of Study: Two-Dimensional Geometry Global Concept Guide: 1 of 4
Content Development In this unit, students will learn to distinguish between defining attributes such as number of sides and being closed or open, and non-defining attributes such as color, orientation, and size. Students were taught the terms sides and vertices in Kindergarten and should be encouraged to use these terms during discussion throughout unit 13. As you work through this unit, help the students relate what they are learning to the real world around them. Throughout Unit 13, students should record their observations in a journal as they explore and create with the manipulatives.
Content Development Throughout Unit 13, students should record their observations in a journal as they explore and create with the manipulatives. As you move through the content in GCG 1, create an Anchor Chart of Defining attributes and Non-defining attributes Defining Non-defining Attributes Attributes
Day 1 Essential Question: How can you use attributes to sort two-dimensional shapes? Go Math Lesson 12.1, Listen and Draw p. 485 provides an opportunity for students to sort shapes by attributes. Using Teach and Talk components teachers should scaffold discussion to finesse student communication. Students should have many opportunities to sort shapes by their defining attributes Use anchor chart to record terms, definitions, and pictures. Math Talk in Action p. 487 should be used to help children think more deeply about attributes. On Your Own p. 487 can be used as a check for understanding to determine how students interpret rules. Students will independently work on Problem Solving p. 488 to apply their understanding. By the end of Day 1, students will be able to sort shapes by attributes.
Day 2 Essential Question: What is the difference between a defining attribute and a non-defining attribute? Consider using pieces of the Illuminations: Investigating Shapes – Lesson 3 in particular includes ideas for utilizing geo-boards to discuss defining attributes like sides and vertices. If students call out attributes like color—remind students that color is not a defining attribute about a shape. Go Math Lesson 12.2, On Your Own p. 491 and Problem Solving p. 492 provides opportunities for students to apply their knowledge of the defining attributes of shapes. Continue to use pattern blocks to help students explore defining attributes. Using Comparing Polygons writing activity to compare two shapes. By the end of Day 2, students will be able to define shapes by their attributes.
Day 3 Essential Question: What attributes can you use to define two-dimensional shapes. The first activity in the Excursions lesson: Making Pictures students will create a mini book about defining attributes of shapes Setting the Stage and Building Conceptual Knowledge TE pg. 43-44 and SE p. 59-60 only. * Avoid the second half of this lesson, it will be better used during the second GCG for this unit Encourage students to look for and define two-dimensional shapes in the real-world (Example-stop signs) By the end of Day 3, students will be able to accurately and precisely define shapes and their attributes.
Enrich/Reteach/Intervention Go Math Enrich 12.1- Shape Groups (Page E91) Go Math Enrich 12.2- Riddle Shapes (Page E92) Core: Go Math Extend the Math p. 491 Use a chart to sort Intervention/Small Group: Go Math Reteach 12.1- Sorting Two-Dimensional Shapes (Page R91) Go Math Reteach 12.2- Describe Two-Dimensional Shapes (Page R92) MegaMath- Plane Shapes in Different Orientations Pattern Block Cut-Outs help build fine motor skills while developing a connection to the number of sides of shape.
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