Gas Buildup Analysis GasBU uses standard buildup tests from individual wells and performs a buildup analysis using various methods. The program allows for easy determination of Reservoir Permeability, and Skin Effect using graphical and numerical analysis. Results are summarised by well, group, pool, lease and company.
GasBU, Sirius Petroleum Software3 GasBU Agenda Well data Pool data Lease data Gas analysis data Special Features, System Options, Methods and Correlations Output Reports and Graphs Demo Questions
GasBU, Sirius Petroleum Software4 Well Data Wells are defined with a pool, group and a lease. Basic Data: Well name, UWI, group and lease. Reservoir Data: Netpay, porosity, water saturation, drainage radius, wellbore radius, equivalent production time and extended gas flow rate.. Test Data: Shut-in Pressure and shut-in time..
GasBU, Sirius Petroleum Software5 Well Data
GasBU, Sirius Petroleum Software6 Build up Parameters
GasBU, Sirius Petroleum Software7 Build up Data
GasBU, Sirius Petroleum Software8 Build up Point
GasBU, Sirius Petroleum Software9 Analysis Options
GasBU, Sirius Petroleum Software10 Analysis Results
GasBU, Sirius Petroleum Software11 Analysis Results
GasBU, Sirius Petroleum Software12 Analysis Results
GasBU, Sirius Petroleum Software13 Pool Data Basic Data: Pool name, Field name, and gas analysis name. Reservoir Data: Current pressure, formation temperature, and abandonment pressure, rock and water compressibility.
GasBU, Sirius Petroleum Software14 Pool Data
GasBU, Sirius Petroleum Software15 Lease Data Basic Data: Lease name or number, number of wells in lease, working interest for each company.
GasBU, Sirius Petroleum Software16 Lease Data
GasBU, Sirius Petroleum Software17 Gas Analysis Data Full Gas Analysis: 12 Component gas analysis including N 2, CO 2 and H 2 S, C 7 + properties (Molecular Weight, Specific Gravity) Simple Gas Analysis: 3 non-HC including N 2, CO 2, and H 2 S, and a total gas specific gravity.
GasBU, Sirius Petroleum Software18 Gas Analysis
GasBU, Sirius Petroleum Software19 GasBU Special Features Data Selection –Data selection: all points,or all selected points. Analysis Methods –Horner – Pressure Squared method –Horner – Pseudo pressure method –MDH – Pressure Squared method –MDH – Pseudo pressure method
GasBU, Sirius Petroleum Software20 System Options
GasBU, Sirius Petroleum Software21 Correlations
GasBU, Sirius Petroleum Software22 Output, Reports and Graphs Table of results Diagram of results Numerous reports –well, pool, group, lease, company, etc. Numerous graphs –well, pool, group, lease, company, etc.
GasBU, Sirius Petroleum Software23 Output Results
GasBU, Sirius Petroleum Software24 Output Results
GasBU, Sirius Petroleum Software25 Output Results
GasBU, Sirius Petroleum Software26 Output Results
GasBU, Sirius Petroleum Software27 Diagram
GasBU, Sirius Petroleum Software28 Reports
GasBU, Sirius Petroleum Software29 Graphs