Jointly for our common future SILVER CITY - SEE/D/0325/4.1/X Innovative urban strategies and action plans to increase the social and economic role of seniors TITLE OF THE PILOT 4th Thematic Workshop Budapest 6-8 May, 2014
Relevance of the pilot theme from the city survey point of view Please explain in this slide how the pilot addresses the problem(s) identified in the city survey (name the problems the pilot addresses to and briefly describe how, add concrete indicators if you can, etc.) Jointly for our common future
Summary of the pilot Please sum up your pilot action in this slide (concrete actions with timeframe, reached indicators, concrete numbers, next steps, etc.) Jointly for our common future
Innovative character of the pilot Please explain in this slide the innovative character of your pilot (why is it innovative in your country, which element of the pilot is innovative and why, innovativeness from EU or SEE perspective, etc.). Is the pilot competitive? Jointly for our common future
Efficient stakeholder involvement Please explain in this slide how the main stakeholders were enabled to contribute to the structure and elaboration of the pilot (in which steps did you involve them and how, how their voices were incorporated to the pilot, how did you provide the opportunity for them to shape the pilot, etc.) Jointly for our common future
Sustainability of the pilot Please explain in this slide the sustainability of the pilot (which organisations will continue the pilot and how, which elements of the pilot can be continued, any additional sources to be involved, reference to the implementation plan, etc.) Jointly for our common future
Transferability of the pilot Please explain in this slide why the pilot is transferable (which parts, for whom do you recommend and how, etc.) and the possibility of knowledge transfer for other pilots. Jointly for our common future
Experience from the pilot toward changing your attitude Please explain in this slide how your attitude has been changed during the elaboration of the pilot action (which part of the pilot action needed change in your everyday practice in the public service, whether did you have to rethink your point of views during the implementation, etc.) Jointly for our common future