Consumer Action:
About this game Lifeline Quiz was created by Consumer Action as part of the California Lifeline Training Module, which includes: Connect to Lifeline and Save! brochure A Leader’s Guide A training curriculum PowerPoint training slides. Other publications that are part of this module can be found at Consumer Action created this publication in partnership with AT&T © 2007
Consumer Action: At Your Service The Bachelor Call Tyrone $2o0 $300 $400 $500 $400 $300 $200 $500 $400 $300 $200 Lifeline Quiz Final Round 1Final Round 2Final Round 3
Consumer Action: One family member or an extended family that lives together as a group. One family member or an extended family that lives together as a group. At Your Service back
Consumer Action: At Your Service You are a qualifying child or qualifying relative who is claimed on someone else’s tax return. You are a qualifying child or qualifying relative who is claimed on someone else’s tax return. back
Consumer Action: At Your Service If you are a renter, California law requires that your landlord provide one. If you are a renter, California law requires that your landlord provide one. back
Consumer Action: At Your Service This protects you from running up a large bill. back
Consumer Action: The Bachelor This happens when you change from basic residential service to the Lifeline program. This happens when you change from basic residential service to the Lifeline program. back
Consumer Action: The Bachelor Daily Double back Click
Consumer Action: back The Bachelor If you are applying for Lifeline under the income-based guidelines, this must be included with your application. If you are applying for Lifeline under the income-based guidelines, this must be included with your application.
Consumer Action: The Bachelor Once you have contacted the telephone company to enroll in the Lifeline program, you will have 30 days to provide this form. Once you have contacted the telephone company to enroll in the Lifeline program, you will have 30 days to provide this form. back
Consumer Action: back Call Tyrone You contact this agency if you have complaint related to Lifeline. You contact this agency if you have complaint related to Lifeline.
Consumer Action: back Call Tyrone This agency provides consumer non-legal advice, guides consumers to complaint handling agencies and distributes free consumer educational publications. This agency provides consumer non-legal advice, guides consumers to complaint handling agencies and distributes free consumer educational publications.
Consumer Action: Call Tyrone This agency distributes telecommunications equipment and services. This agency distributes telecommunications equipment and services. back
Consumer Action: Call Tyrone Daily Double back Click
Consumer Action: Tie Breaker You may be required to pay back any discounts you have received. You may be required to pay back any discounts you have received. back
Consumer Action: Tie Breaker Your service will be removed from the Lifeline program, you will be changed to full price, and you may have to pay a deposit. Your service will be removed from the Lifeline program, you will be changed to full price, and you may have to pay a deposit. back
Consumer Action: back Tie Breaker You must complete the section of the certification form titled “Method 1”and you must complete “Method 2” if: You must complete the section of the certification form titled “Method 1”and you must complete “Method 2” if:
Consumer Action: Although your enrollment is subject to approval, this happens when you call to enroll in the Lifeline program. Although your enrollment is subject to approval, this happens when you call to enroll in the Lifeline program. back
Consumer Action: Last year’s state, federal or tribal tax return, income statements or pay check stubs, child support documents, divorce decree. Last year’s state, federal or tribal tax return, income statements or pay check stubs, child support documents, divorce decree. back