Statistics By Sonia Rodriguez
Sharp-nosed Shark Info. The average is found by adding all the data and dividing it by as many numbers you have.
Sea Turtles Info. Above is the percentage of our sea turtle hatchlings that lived playing a board game. Though not many survive, all of us started with 25 and barely any survived. We found the percentage of each one by dividing the number that survived by the total.
Percentage of Bottle Caps Info. Here it shows the percentage of bottle caps in just one small container from the beach. You get the number of a certain color then divide it by the total.
Frequency Distribution of Sea Cigars by Size Class Info. So today we collected 25 seed pods for each group, then we measured and ordered them from least to greatest. size classfrequency "1-5"0 "6-10"1 "11-15"5 "16-20"12 "21-25"4 "26-30"2 "31-35"1
Probability Info. So today we played a game and we tested the probability of coral reefs survival using a die. Only 7/18 of mine survived. Some factors that affect coral survival are fisher men, boaters people taking coral etc. So please stop and save the reefs. Probability: The possibility that an event occurs, shown as the ratio of the number occurrences to the total number of possible occurrences.
Variance and Standard Deviation Variance: A difference or discrepancy between the number and the mean Varience Standard Deviation Standard Deviation: Equal to the square root of the mean of the squares.
TDC SizeFrequency
T-Test controltreatment T-test: Tests whether the means of two groups are statistically different from each other.