Our Environment Conservation Presentation by : Alexandra (8F), Ambika (7F) and Nithusa (7F)
SAM is an Eco school. We received the GOLD certification since we created the Green Team. Let’s continue this tradition! SAM is an Eco school. We received the GOLD certification since we created the Green Team. Let’s continue this tradition!
1. Reduce To understand how you can reduce your waste, it is important to know what you are throwing away. 2. Reuse When you decide to buy something, try to purchase products that have a longer shelf life and that can be reused several times. For example: buy reusable containers for lunches and avoid buying disposable utensils, plates and napkins for parties. Instead of throwing away things, find new ways to use them. 3. Recycle Recycling should only come once you have attempted to reduce your consumption or reused items you have already purchased. The majority of Canadian cities have comprehensive recycling programs. 1. Reduce To understand how you can reduce your waste, it is important to know what you are throwing away. 2. Reuse When you decide to buy something, try to purchase products that have a longer shelf life and that can be reused several times. For example: buy reusable containers for lunches and avoid buying disposable utensils, plates and napkins for parties. Instead of throwing away things, find new ways to use them. 3. Recycle Recycling should only come once you have attempted to reduce your consumption or reused items you have already purchased. The majority of Canadian cities have comprehensive recycling programs.
As our city is growing continuously, it is a big problem of the space on landfill sites where the garbage is sent and dumped. Dumping and burying waste is incompatible with the introduction of environmentally sensitive waste reduction and recycling programs. We need to be more selective when we throw out our solid waste, to avoid pollution of air and water systems, and the increase of the global warming. In other words, we have to work together and use various methods to preserve our quality of life. As our city is growing continuously, it is a big problem of the space on landfill sites where the garbage is sent and dumped. Dumping and burying waste is incompatible with the introduction of environmentally sensitive waste reduction and recycling programs. We need to be more selective when we throw out our solid waste, to avoid pollution of air and water systems, and the increase of the global warming. In other words, we have to work together and use various methods to preserve our quality of life. Why do we need another bin?