Types: Tuberculoid and lepromatous (more severe) Caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium leprae Not very contagious Has a long incubation period Children are more likely to be infected
Originally found in armadillos How it is transferred is still being studied Most likely transferred via respiratory route
Most easily spread in children Long incubation periods (3-30 years) Hard to tell when someone is infected
SSouth/Southeast Asia LLatin America TTropic and subtropic environments 770% of new cases are found in India
Causes… Skin Sores Nerve Damage Disfigurement Muscle weakness that progressively worsens
On average, between 500,000 and 750,000 new cases are found each year 15 million people have been treated in the last 20 years
More than 6 antibiotics are used to treat the disease Early treatment prevents spread of the disease, limits damage, and allows a more normal lifestyle Treatment cannot reverse any damage from the disease, but can sustain further damage